I will delete bios

Hola muy buenos días. Disculpen que voy a utilizar el traductor de google pero tengo un problema urgente que espero que se comprenda y puedan solucionar. El problema es que instalé windows 8.1 en mi laptop en modo uefi. Luego instalé Linux y la máquina se quedaba en el grub. Desde las opciones de arranque del bios seleccioné "windows boot manager" y logré entrar en windows 8.1. Aquí viene el error, al abrir Easybcd 2.2 borré todas las entradas del menú de arranque y creé una para windows y otra para linux grub2. Ahora cuando llega al menú de arranque de windows aparecen las dos opciones pero en ninguna arranca, y lo terrible es que ya no me aparecen las opciones de arranque en la bios, solo wimdows boot manager !!!!, o sea que no puedo iniciar ni desde cd ni usb ni nada !!!
Ya no aparecen las opciones de booteo ni en modo uefi ni en legacy, puedo acceder al bios pero se han borrado todas las opciones de arranque que normalmente aparecían al apretar f12. Disculpen si no explico muy bien, por favor solicitenmé todas las aclaraciones necesarias, a ver si es solucionable !!!!.

Muchas gracias.

Hi good morning. Sorry I'm using google translator but I have an urgent problem that I hope you can understand and solve. The problem is I installed Windows 8.1 on my laptop in UEFI mode. Then I installed Linux and the machine remained in the grub. From the bios boot options I selected "windows boot manager" and managed to get into windows 8.1. Here comes the error, when opening EasyBCD 2.2 deleted all entries from the boot menu and created one for windows and one for linux grub2. Now when you reach the boot menu windows appear both options but no start, and how terrible is that I no longer show the boot options in the bios, boot manager !!!! wimdows only, so it can not boot either from cd or usb or anything !!!
Options no longer appear either UEFI boot or legacy mode, I can access the bios but have deleted all boot options normally appeared at press f12. Sorry if I do not understand very well, please solicitenmé all necessary clarifications, to see if it is solvable !!!!.

Thank you very much.
W8 UEFI places multiple W8 recovery and restart options in the BCD.
W8 doesn't shutdown or reboot when you tell it to, it pretends to do so, but really it hibernates and resumes.
Windows 8 boot problems ? Please read this before posting
It seems like you have deleted the option W8 needs to resume from hibernation from the BCD and now you are stuck in limbo.
I can only suggest that you shut down the PC completely and clear the CMOS memory.
There should be a button on the motherboard next to the CMOS battery, failing that remove the CMOS battery (normally a CR2032) and leave it disconnected for some time to allow the CMOS circuit to discharge.
That should set the mobo back to factory defaults, and maybe when you replace the battery and power up, you'll get lucky and have some boot options that will help get you back on track.