The tcpip.sys patch and DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS



A while back, I patched my tcpip.sys file to increase the limit of allowed half-open TCP connections in Vista (now no longer necessary in Vista SP2/Win7). I used TCP-Z which automates that process:

But I never updated to SP2 in Vista, so after installing Win7, and using EasyBCD to restore the Vista entry back into the MBR, I now get a message stating that windows can't verify the digital signature of the file.

That's not so much the problem. The issue is that I was told the correction would be to set the boot loader to allow unsigned drivers. (Is that what DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS is for, in the detailed overview of the EasyBCD View Settings section?)

So if that isn't working, like it supposedly should be, I'm not sure what else needs done to get back into Vista without repairing it.

Is there some other relevant setting I've missed somewhere in EasyBCD?


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The option to disable checking for signed drivers, is a MS feature included in early releases, and then removed when they decide it's no longer appropriate.
EasyBCD provides a GUI for flipping the bit, but it can't make the OS take any notice if MS doesn't want to allow the facility any more.
Try my Vista SP2 copy (you'll need to rename it back - I had to change the filetype to get past the upload restrictions)


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