NeoSmart Technologies Goes Dedicated!

The time has finally come! It may seem a bit late to many of you, but for us the time is just right. Thanks to a very generous offer by Lunarpages Web Hosting, NeoSmart Technologies is going dedicated! We’ll have our very own home-configured server running everything you see – no more lag, no more “database connection failure” errors and no more “bandwidth exceeded” notices. Slashdot and Digg are no longer the terror of our days – bring it on!

Lunarpages has constantly made the “top ten webhosts” almost every time no matter who conducted the survey, we are extremely happy for this opportunity to improve the NeoSmart Experience by hosting with LP. Besides faster loading and less trouble, this means we can finally launch a whole new lineup of services that we’ve had planned for a while! Running a non-profit organization out of our pockets isn’t easy, but we’ve finally come into some luck with Lunarpages. Let’s just put it this way for now: you’ll never need to leave NeoSmart Technologies to find what you’re looking for if it’s related to technology in any way!

We’ll leave you to guess which plan we’ve taken, and you can rest assured knowing fully well that our new server has been optimized and secured from the ground-up by the very best, to ensure that nothing goes wrong, and to keep things going smooth. To keep you in-touch we’ve set up a quick status page at that’ll tell you just how far along we are in the move, and what you need to do if our new server doesn’t show up for you!

Just keep checking that page, it’ll tell you everything you need to know. In the meantime, some changes made at the blog & forums may not be saved – take heed and backup everything you submit.

See you on the new server really soon!

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