Windows 7 Packard Laptop


New Member
Hi guys

I'm trying to sort out issues with this Packard Bell laptop for a friend and his daughter. The machine starts to boot, gets to a "Windows Starting" logo screen and then when the screen goes back it just hangs. There is a mouse curosr that you can move around but no screen to do anything with. i have tried booting it into safe mode with the same result. i took the drive out and put it in a caddy linked to my PC and the file structure is all there. i ran chkdsk on it which found and fixed afew problems (so it said) but when I put the drive back in the laptop it still refused to get past this black screen. I'm tempted to buy this Win 7 recovery disc and see what happens when I boot from that, but I'm wondering if there is anything I have missed. The machine hasn't got a Win 7 OS disc.

Thanks in advance for any help
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Why not try and give Windows 8 a try?! You could download from Microsoft both 32bit and 64bit version which will run till Jan. 15. 2013 That Consumer Preview version, which is the public Beta of Windows 8, works very well on two of my machines and in several aspects even better and faster as Windows 7 Ultimate!
If you do grab our recovery disc, you could probably use the System Restore feature with a good chance of setting things right.