Booting OS from External USB HD


New Member
Can I boot Win7 from an external USB HD?
I took my HD and put it in a HD docking station with the hope that I could use EasyBSD to boot from the External drive. I added a new Entry and pointed to the External HD. However, I'm getting the following error message "The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt" when boot the external HD.

How can I boot from an external HD?

Microsoft hard-coded blocks in the Windows Vista and Windows 7 boot code that checks if it is being loaded from an external disk and prevents it from doing so.

You could try loading Windows 7 from a virtual hard disk on an external drive, that *might* work.
I don't think it is an good solution
Use the the neo grub which is like the GNU grub,you can boot the external HD
For details,you can search it by the key word :menu.list.
However,it is a little diffcult .As you need to learn how to creat a right menu.list file.
It will make you I hope neossmart can improve the easyBCD in this field.
And now the Grub has updated to Grub2.The most important thing is that Grub2 surport boot the LiveCD from NTFS partion ,which is the main file system in windows.But menu.list don't surport it.I ofen test the new Linux by LiveCD .But i don't want to neo a CD.It is costness.At the end ,thanks for the easyBCD ,it is a good stuff for multi booting ,though it still need to improve.