Conversion systems 7 and XP


I have installed two systems on two different drives. System 7 installed as second in order to test on the old IDE drive. I have XP installed on a larger SATA disk drives. Now during startup, I have to choose between two systems. I wander how interchange systems. Does EasyBCD will help me in this move? If yes I will describe own idea because I do not know how well combines.
I will change boot drive and add new entry for windows 7 to drive "J" by EasyBCD. I'll backup the receipt of each system and put it on the third USB-attached disk and then run Paragon CD (WinPE) and I'll copy a disc of 7 on the drive system with XP with losing XP. Copy disk with system 7 and in its place will do recovery of XP. Is this how it should look like? Thanks.
Okay I am confused by your post. Do you mean Windows 7 and not System 7?

If during startup you see a black screen with white lettering that says

Windows 7
Windows XP (Legacy Windows)

Then yes this is what it should read and that is correct. Just use the up/down arrows to select the OS you want to boot and it will take care of the rest. I am not sure what your trying to ask or get at. EasyBCD only allows you to edit the wording or add more entries. It cant do anything else for you when it comes to dual booting.
Okay I am confused by your post. Do you mean Windows 7 and not System 7?

If during startup you see a black screen with white lettering that says

Windows 7
Windows XP (Legacy Windows)

I am not sure what your trying to ask or get at. EasyBCD only allows you to edit the wording or add more entries. It cant do anything else for you when it comes to dual booting.
I'll try other words. I would like to swap the two systems. The second disc on which I installed windows 7 will not boot itself if I unlink a disk with XP. If I change boot drive and add a new entry for windows 7 to drive "J" I will be able to run any system so as to make backup?
What do you mean swap? Like move XP onto the IDE and Win7 onto the SATA without having to do reinstall's of both Operating Systems?