Python RPA Webdriver from Windows to Linux


New Member
I'm developing on Windows a robot (RPA Python - Selenium) that will use the Google Chrome webdriver (chromedriver_win32) to perform a search on web pages.

My question, if I was going to put my program to run on the Linux server, would I just have to change my webdriver to chromedriver_linux64 for example?

Or would you need to make other adjustments? Thanks.
You probably would have to dynamically switch between the two names (or else package your application in such a way that a single generic name pointed would resolve to the correct one installed (via or similar).
If you're planning to run your program on a Linux server, you'll definitely need to switch the webdriver from chromedriver_win32 to chromedriver_linux64. However, keep in mind that there could be other adjustments that you'll need to make for your program to run smoothly on the Linux environment. It's also better to test your program on a similar setup before deploying it to production. You could use zaptest for it. Hope it helps
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In general, if you are switching from running your RPA Python script on Windows to running it on Linux, you would need to make some adjustments to your code and configuration.
One of the main changes you would need to make is to use the appropriate version of the Chrome webdriver for Linux, such as the "chromedriver_linux64" version that you mentioned. This is because different operating systems require different webdrivers.
Additionally, there may be other dependencies or configurations that are different between Windows and Linux that you may need to adjust in your code. For example, the file paths or command line arguments used by your script may need to be modified to work correctly on Linux.
It's also possible that some of the libraries or packages used in your code may have different behaviors or requirements on Linux compared to Windows, so you may need to test and debug your code on Linux to ensure it runs correctly.
Overall, switching from Windows to Linux can require some adjustments and testing, but it's certainly possible to develop and run an RPA Python script using Selenium and the Chrome webdriver on Linux.

May this information useful for you. ManageMyHealth