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Original post : Recovery Console Infinite Loop: Fix for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.
Get the fix for the
endless recovery console loop
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Windows 8.1
. This error prevents you from accessing anything on your computer and presents an endless loop of loading Recovery Console without end.
About "Recovery console in endless loop"
Symptom 1: Computer attempts to enter Recovery Console continuously
Each time the PC is booted, the option known as "Repair Your Computer" from
the Advanced Boot Options menu
is always automatically selected and the PC will attempt to enter the Recovery Console but is unable to do so.
Symptom 2: The recovery console keeps launching in a loop
Every time an attempt is made to boot up Windows, the recovery console is started and attempts to solve the problems with the PC. The repair either exits unsuccessfully or claims to have succeeded but in reality the PC continues to not work and attempts to start the Recovery Console once more the next time it is booted.
Causes of this Error
This error has been known to occur as a result of one or more of the following:
Cause 1: Failed Automatic Update
Failed Windows Updates or Automatic Updates that involve an update or upgrade of the core Windows bootloader files (in particular, BOOTMGR) may result in the PC being unable to boot.
Cause 2: Out of date recovery console
On Windows 7 and above, the recovery console can be installed to the local partition by Microsoft Windows setup or by your PC's computer manufacturer/OEM. An out of date recovery console installed to the local disk may be unable to correct errors with a Windows installation that has been updated (either manually with hot fixes or automatically by Windows Update). As a result, each time the recovery console is started, it cannot fix the issue and the infinite recovery console loop is presented.
Cause 3: Blue Screen of Death on reboot
It is possible that every other time Windows attempts to boot, a BSOD occurs. Recent versions of Windows are configured to hide this fact from the user and silently reboot. ((In the experience of the researchers at NeoSmart Technologies, there is almost never a good reason for doing this. Microsoft is hoping that a reboot will fix your PC and so Windows decides to hide the blue screen and reboot, endlessly and in vain. A much more intelligent solution would be for Windows to keep track of whether or not this blue screen resulted in a silent and automatic reboot last time, and if so, show it so the user can see what's going on.)) A BSOD during boot up will trigger a version of
the Advanced Boot Options menu
to be shown on next reboot, and if the recovery console is installed to the local disk, the default will be to highlight/select "Repair Your Computer" causing the endless loop of the recovery console.
Fix Infinite Loop of Recovery Console on Windows
Fix #1: Use Easy Recovery Essentials
[easyre guaranteed="true" error="endless repair computer loop" bootscreen="vista-7-8"]
Fix #2: Run Startup Repair from the Windows DVD
[setupcd] The copy of the Recovery Console installed to your hard disk may be damaged or out of date and unable to fix your PC. It is possible to attempt the recovery from the copy of the recovery console on the Windows setup DVD instead. [partial name="partial_startup_repair"]
Fix #3: Disable Automatic Restart
[partial name="partial_no_auto_restart"]
More Information
Linked Entries
The Advanced Options menu in Windows
[partial name="partial_moreinfo" versions="vista,7,8,server2008,server2012"]