Vista Install DVD won't Install, Bootloader destroyed


New Member
Using EasyBCD I accidently uninstalled the vista bootloader (EasyBCD tried to roll back to the WinXP bootloader, but there was none). Now when I put the Vista install DVD in all it does is boot to a blank screen, not giving me the install/winRE options. I'm using GRUB to boot into a linux partition but I need a way to reinstall the vista bootloader.

Is there such a way?
Hi M8

You have to clear CMOS on the motherboard without any backup battery OR powercabel !

1. Shut down the pc (if it´s a pc)
2. Remove the powercabel (220 Vor 115V or whatever)
3. Remove the battery cituated on the motherboard
4. There is a set of jumpers (check Your manual for motherboard) ((OPS you just remember that You dont
know where it is !!!))) this URL will leed You to a site that contains a lot:wink:

This is another one :wink:

Total Hardware 1999

5. Check manual OR homepage for Your motherboard

6. Reset CMOS (normaly You connect another jumper-pair for a second or two and thats why its important that the pc is NO POWER AT ALL !!!!!))

7. Power up the pc again, dont forget the battery.

8. Boot from f ex XP or VISTA CD/DVD and chiose Repair after a few "OK" .

Now CMOS will be reset and the pc is from scratch so let it do it "Auto" so will everything run smothly again :wink:)

IF NOT: Repet the abowe steps again (battery?)

You dont have to go thru all that to repair the Vista bootloader. It rather simple. If you have EasyBCD isntalled or the Vista DVD. If not you can download the Vista repair CD from here and use that as well. All the instructions are on this wiki page:

Repairing the Windows Vista Bootloader - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

Everything you need to know.


Your instructions are way to complicated. It is much simpler than that. Why would you need to reset the CMOS and BIOS in that effect to get the Vista bootloader back? That is going way to far out of line to do something so simple.
Mak, I think it's because the OP says that he cannot boot from the Vista DVD and only gets a blank screen.
But even so that could just mean his Video Card settings are off. Shouldn't have to reset the BIOS. Epically if he is using a Video card. What would resetting the BIOS at that point do? You would have to remove the Video card and turn back on the on board. That would help before resetting the BIOS would. :wink:
I don't think it's a video card problem - at least, if he can see the initial boot screen or the BIOS POST results.
Hmm I think hes been jamming up CMOS cause of loading a lot of different kind of Bootloaders *my one experience *
I had to do it at finally no other tric worked


btw whats a Tumbling Toddler ?
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I can see how in certain circumstances clearing the BIOS would help, but you have to realize that the CMOS is stored in read-only memory. It can't be modified by any software running on the PC (with the exception of BIOS flashing utilities) and is independent of the MBR, which is where the bootloaders are stored.

It's usually the MBR that gets jammed up when you install too many different bootloaders, and that's always the biggest source of trouble, at least in my experience...


:lol: Tumbling Toddler is a form of Literary Consonance, and is just our way of saying your own your way to becoming a more regular poster.

I see you've already made it to Apprentice, congratulations :grinning:
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that is my experience as well. The bootloader get everything nuts up. The CMOS and BIOS you cant affect unless you change to many settings. Even then just using the BIOS to restore the defaults you are safe. Clearing the CMOS will only get rid of you time, date, and any settings in your BIOS you have saved.


Yes now i am a brown wizard. Which kinda makes me feel like i am the king of poop. :lol: Just messing with you Guru.
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Merci m8
Another question I have is I shpuld dl the zip file EasyBCD Debug Toolkit
to be able to recieve the changes I want to do ?

No, the EasyBCD Debug Toolkit is only for people looking to do some pretty weird stuff that involves pretending your system is configured one way when it isn't.
You dont have to go thru all that to repair the Vista bootloader. It rather simple. If you have EasyBCD isntalled or the Vista DVD. If not you can download the Vista repair CD from here and use that as well. All the instructions are on this wiki page:

Repairing the Windows Vista Bootloader - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

Everything you need to know.


Your instructions are way to complicated. It is much simpler than that. Why would you need to reset the CMOS and BIOS in that effect to get the Vista bootloader back? That is going way to far out of line to do something so simple.


Me old retired DOS user
That was the only working thing for me to get back the computer and rebuild it as a pc from the bottom. After that in runs very smotlhy again even better than before.
The only prob for the moment is getting 1.7.1 to read and connect inside my pc different disks and partitions. F ex VISTA and MAC OS!
I'm not sure I know what you mean (about EasyBCD not working for you), but perhaps we can continue this in its own, new thread? No need to take this thread offtopic :smile:
No, the EasyBCD Debug Toolkit is only for people looking to do some pretty weird stuff that involves pretending your system is configured one way when it isn't.

whats this than
Run EasyBCD with one or both of these switches to intercept the calls to
bcdedit.exe and/or bootpart.exe:
* Using the /debugbcd switch will cause EasyBCD to read the contents of
bcdedit.txt instead of querying bcdedit.exe for the actual info.
* Using the /debugbp switch will cause EasyBCD to read the contents of
bootpart.txt instead of querying bootpart.exe for the actual info.

Its from the readmefile in the tool

Again, it's for faking raw bcd input to EasyBCD which is not something that you would benefit from.