We'd kindly request that anyone experiencing problems with dual-booting OS X and Windows Vista refrain from opening a thread on the issue for the time-being.
At the moment, EasyBCD is capable of dual-booting OS X and Windows Vista in accord with the instructions found at http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Mac+OS+X. Other instructions created and maintained by 3rd parties can be found elsewhere on the web.
We are aware of certain difficulties in dual-booting the two operating systems with EasyBCD, and we are working on a solution with certain members of the OS X community with much experience in this field in hopes of adequately addressing this issue in a satisfactory manner for all involved.
You can expect beta versions of EasyBCD 2.0 in the near future that address this and other issues, along with a host of other new features and functionality.
Thank you for your patience.
At the moment, EasyBCD is capable of dual-booting OS X and Windows Vista in accord with the instructions found at http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Mac+OS+X. Other instructions created and maintained by 3rd parties can be found elsewhere on the web.
We are aware of certain difficulties in dual-booting the two operating systems with EasyBCD, and we are working on a solution with certain members of the OS X community with much experience in this field in hopes of adequately addressing this issue in a satisfactory manner for all involved.
You can expect beta versions of EasyBCD 2.0 in the near future that address this and other issues, along with a host of other new features and functionality.
Thank you for your patience.