Vista Recovery Recovery options - Operating System not listing


Thanks in advance for providing Recovery Disk

I am using Acer Aspire 5570Z laptop with preinstalled windows vista home premium.
I tried to boot using win98 boot disk and formated one drive & tried ot install win 98, but not succeeded. After that vista was not loading. I was having Acer Recovery DVDs. I tried with that also. No result.

I downloaded your rec. disc, burned it and booted from the cd. Everything looked fine but now my OS couln't be found. (Select an operation system to repair and click next - window). It seems OS is not available.

What could be the problem? pls help
I have seen a smiilar issue listed here and the answer is "You can still use the command line to recover your system :smile:"

How we can do command line recovery?
Yes, I tried several times. The recovery didin't show any error. After restarting a Blue Screen is displaying "INITIALIZATION_FAILED".Then only i tried with neosmart recovery disk and with that I am able to get up to the recovery options, but OS is not listing


Since I am not able to login to Windows, EasyBCD is not working.I was able to install it using command promt optin in recovery disk and it installed. But not running from command prompt
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Hi Terry,I tried this commands from commad promptbootrec.exe /fixmbrbootsect.exe /nt60 all /forceFirst command (bootrec.exe) was successfull and I got the message"The oeration completed successfully"But for second command "bootsect.exe /nt60 all /force"I am getting the message " is not recognized as an internal or external command"
Have you checked the spelling to make sure you didn't have a typing error ? If it's not recognizing the command you might have got the syntax wrong. Check you've got all the spaces (or lack of spaces) correct.
IT could be that you formatted the wrong drive and got rid of Vista by accident. If you have not been able to find it with the recovery DVD's or the Recovery CD you might have gotten rid of your Vista install.

Have you tried using a tool like GParted to check and make sure your partitions are still in place? I know that 98 wouldnt work cause the drive was formatted in NTFS and 98 can not read or write with the File System.

I would check with GParted to make sure your partiitons/drive is still in the order it should be in. Sounds as if you lost the partitions and install.
try this before the bootsect.exe command:
cd e:\boot

where e: is the cd-rom drive letter.
HiI downloaded GParted CD Image and booted with that CD. It is showing partition as unallocated with 74.53gb.Earlier it was having two partitions C: & D: each with around 38GB. and Vista was in C: drive.Do we need to create new partition using Gparted?
It sounds like Mak was right and you've gone and formatted your Vista out of existence.
Hi,The Acer Recovery disk is having 2 dvd's. How can we verify whether it is a vista installation disk or only a backup?
Thanks a lot for you help My Problem got resolved. I think it is because of the wrong partition using win 98 boot disk.I deleted that primary dos partition and created partition using Gparted.After that I booted from acre recovery disk and it worked fine. Even if I lost all the data, the vista is up now.I like to install XP also. What all are the precaution to be taken before proceeding.
Essentially, if you haven't already got the space you'll need to create some. Then Install XP in it (this will screw with Vista's bootloader), then fix Vista's bootloader and you're dual booting.
It's really quite simple, but start here and do some background reading to give yourself confidence.
The internal links to the APC step-by-step guides and Raul's dual booting primer are worth reading too.
Don't worry, if anything doesn't work as you expected, don't go messing about blindly. If you can't see your problem described in the troubleshooter link from the above page, just check back here.
There's normally someone about who can point you in the right direction because we're spread all around the planet's timezones.


When you've got XP and Vista working together, XP doesn't stop its screwing with Vista. If you use system restore you'll need to read and consider this
then download yourself a copy of HnS.
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