Translations to Other Languages


Mostly Harmless
Staff member
EasyBCD now has full internationalization support. Beta builds can be downloaded from EasyBCD Beta Builds to get started.

EasyBCD is using the NeoSmart Localization Toolkit, opensourced at NeoSmart/Localization - GitHub, to power the translations.

After installing EasyBCD, you'll find a new folder: C:\Program Files\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\lang

lang currently contains one subfolder called "en-US" and it has a number of XML files that contain the text used in EasyBCD. Translating EasyBCD is as simple as creating your own folder, copying these XML files to it, and changing the text inside them. You can also see/contribute to the localizations on github at NeoSmart/EasyBCD-Localization - GitHub

Languages Already Being Localized

Wonderful volunteers have come forward for the followings languages:
  • Arabic (العربية) - Azal Tammu
  • Catalan (Català) - Manel Fernàndez
  • Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) - igorruckert
  • Chinese (Simplified) (简体字) - Dancing Zhao
  • Chinese (Taiwanese) (繁體中文) - fei
  • Czech (Čeština) - Tomanek1
  • Dutch (Nederlands) - Bart Koens
  • German (Deutsch) - Wolfgang Milhard
  • English - NeoSmart Technologies
  • Spanish (Español) - Manel Fernàndez
  • French (Français) - Guillaume van den Bavière & co.
  • Greek (Ελληνικά) - kostas85
  • Hebrew (עִבְרִית) - xman2012
  • Hungarian (Magyar) - Jé Em
  • Italian (Italiano) - Paolo Viappiani
  • Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) - rz.k
  • Korean (한국어) - Youngju Yun
  • Polish (Polski) - Kili
  • Portuguese (Português) - Hugo Carvalho
  • Romanian (Română) - Don.Pedro
  • Russian (Русский) - niknikch45 & co.
  • Slovenian (Slovenščina) - Deseti_brat
  • Swedish (Svenska) - Åke Engelbrektson
  • Turkish (Türkçe) - Fara Delisi, Mehmet Keçeci
  • Ukrainian (Українська) - z_mashine

Creating a Localization

Note: the NeoSmart Localization Toolkit is still in active beta. This section will be updated as new versions of the product are released.

Step 0: Use the latest BETA version of EasyBCD

Download EasyBCD beta from here: EasyBCD Beta Builds

Step 1: Download

Download the attached and extract it to a folder.

Step 2: Run NLTUI.exe


Step 3: Load the EasyBCD translation project

Click the Open button, and browse to C:\Program Files\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\lang (or if you're on a 64-bit version of Windows, C:\Program Files (x86)\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\lang



Step 4: Create a new locale

Click the second icon in the top toolbar to create a new locale. Give it a friendly name, and a key that corresponds to the default for your language, then click OK:


Step 5: Select a string to translate

There are two parts of the dialog used to select a string, the first is the "component" section which is the name of the tabs at the top of the page. Different components correspond to different "pages" of EasyBCD.
Each component has a number of strings stored in it. After choosing a component, strings will appear in the list on the left-hand side:


Red means that this string has not been translated yet. Orange means that an older version of this text has been translated and is now out of date. Green means the string is translated and is up to date.

Step 6: Translate the texts, and save your work

When you're done translating each component, press the 'Save' button to save it. Note that each tab is saved separately. A 'Save All' button is coming soon.

Step 7: Add your name to the About Box!

Don't forget to give yourself credit for your hard work!


End result:


WARNING: At the moment, installing/uninstalling EasyBCD builds will DELETE the lang folder! Make sure you make a copy first! Back up always!


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Sarge, maybe you can translate it to Yugoslavian? (or is your native language English?)

Of course Mr. Guru! ...Yu is dead, now there is just Serbia :wink:

And I just spoke to a friend, and she is in Denmark, so, she could help to translate it on hers language, and I think I can contact also some friends around... that could be ummm about 2-3 more languages I could get...
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I had a feel that you would make a new thread for this, cause it's important.

I'm going to speak to friend in Germany and friend in Cuba(Spanish).

See if you can try to put that text file together, so we can see how it looks :wink:
I'll start working on it as soon as EasyBCD 1.61 is out - which I am trying to wrap up as fast as I can.
Hi there Mr. Guru,

cheers from Italy, I'd like to help you in the italian translation (indeed i read write and speak well english). I appreciate the EasyBCD software and want to help.

Let me know...

My wife is a Russian/English linguist (born in Russia - English degree in University there). Perhaps I could "sweet talk" her into helping the EasyBCD cause. She also knows German, but not like a native. Would be good to have somone else run a "sanity check" on any German translations to make sure they would be "proper".
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^ hello Kram_eilsel :smile:

that sound like a plan to me :smile:

i dont think i can do much for this new easybcd and languages... seeing as i only know the basic american (english)! :smile: lol


i think this might help the cause:

What can you really speak? - All World Final Fantasy Forums i posted a help thread for anyone to come and help with translation, i know of a japanese speaker and and there maybe other languages too :smile: i hope this helps
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Thanks guys.

I'll be starting work on the translation subsystem soon, it shouldn't take too long to get working to a point where I can have a document ready for translation. :smile:
Thanks guys.

I'll be starting work on the translation subsystem soon, it shouldn't take too long to get working to a point where I can have a document ready for translation. :smile:

Sounds good - I will talk with her about it tomorrow. She has been anxious to get some real-world translations done, so it might give her a challenge or two! :smile:
Checked with my wife - she would be "THRILLED" to do a Russian version/translation. :joy:

She also would enjoy the challenge of working on the German as well, but recommended that someone who knows German natively should proof her work and get her any feedback. :brows:

Russian is her native language and she has a degree in English/Linguistics - so that should be no problem at all. Please contact me through my email, as I don't watch this thread every day.

Portuguese Translation

I'm using EasyBCD and I could do the
translation to Portuguese (Portugal).
Great software! Easy and powerful.
Hope I can help!
TONY Nascimento
Mindelo - Cape Verde Islands
West Coast Africa
Hi teeb, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies!

EasyBCD 2.0 is almost ready and soon we're going to need all the localization help we can get. In the meantime, if you have a minute why don't you drop by our welcome thread and let us know a bit about you?

The Introduction Thread