BSOD STOP 0x00000024


Hi - this is my first time trying to use EasyRE, and I'm not having much luck with it.

I have a Windows XP machine, which in the last few days has refused to boot. It gets a few seconds into the the Windows splash screen, and then throws the Blue Screen of Death with a STOP : 0x00000024 code.

I can get EasyRE to run, and it will see the drives, and even the files etc when I open a File Browser.

I ran Automated Recovery, I selected the correct drive it was showing me, it worked away, and said it was done.

Re-booted - exactly the same issue - no fix.

Anyone have any thoughts on what I can try next ?

BSOD STOP 0x00000024 is a common error that can occur on Windows computers. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:
  1. Check for hardware issues: The first step is to check if there are any hardware issues with your computer. Check if all the cables are connected properly and if there are any loose connections. You can also run a hardware diagnostic test to check for any issues with your hard drive or RAM.
  2. Run a disk check: The error can also be caused by disk corruption. To run a disk check, follow these steps: (Hard Disk Issue)
  • Click on the 'Start Menu'
  • Select "Device Manager"
  • Right-click on the mouse to look at the errors of the hard disk drive
  • Select the "Check Now" option
  1. Check for software issues: The error can also be caused by software issues. Check if there are any new software or hardware installations that might have caused the issue. If this is a new installation, ask your vendor for any specific installation instructions.
  2. Boot into safe mode: If you are unable to boot into Windows normally, try booting into safe mode. This will allow you to troubleshoot the issue without any interference from third-party software. To boot into safe mode, press F8 during startup and select the safe mode option.
  3. Repair or reinstall Windows: If none of the above steps work, you may need to repair or reinstall Windows. This can be done by using the Windows installation disc or USB drive. You can also try using a system restore point to restore your computer to a previous state.
Remember to always backup your important data before attempting any troubleshooting steps. If you are unsure about any of the steps, seek help from a professional.
BSOD STOP 0x00000024 is a common error that can occur on Windows computers. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:
  1. Check for hardware issues: The first step is to check if there are any hardware issues with your computer. Check if all the cables are connected properly and if there are any loose connections. You can also run a hardware diagnostic test to check for any issues with your hard drive or RAM.
  2. Run a disk check: The error can also be caused by disk corruption. To run a disk check, follow these steps: (Hard Disk Issue)
  • Click on the 'Start Menu'
  • Select "Device Manager"
  • Right-click on the mouse to look at the errors of the hard disk drive
  • Select the "Check Now" option
  1. Check for software issues: The error can also be caused by software issues. Check if there are any new software or hardware installations that might have caused the issue. If this is a new installation, ask your vendor for any specific installation instructions.
  2. Boot into safe mode: If you are unable to boot into Windows normally, try booting into safe mode. This will allow you to troubleshoot the issue without any interference from third-party software. To boot into safe mode, press F8 during startup and select the safe mode option.
  3. Repair or reinstall Windows: If none of the above steps work, you may need to repair or reinstall Windows. This can be done by using the Windows installation disc or USB drive. You can also try using a system restore point to restore your computer to a previous state.
Remember to always backup your important data before attempting any troubleshooting steps. If you are unsure about any of the steps, seek help from a professional.
Hi & Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately it doesn't really apply to the issue I have ...

I have checked all hardware connections, and ran a RAM test for over 24hrs. No issues were detected.

I have run all the hardware diagnostic tests I can. No issues detected.

I can't click on 'Start Menu' because as I said - it won't boot....

It also won't boot into safe mode - so I can't use any of those techniques.

I har rathered hoped that EasyRE would help me, given all it's claims. But it seems that at the moment, I am tending to agree with some of the other reviews I have found of it, in that it doesn't do what it says it will.

I have emailed EasyRE tech support, but haven't had any reply.

Shame, it sounded really good, but it looks like I shall be applying for my money back.
There was something similar to this problem. The solution was to reinstall the operating system with a bootable usb tool. But there is a negative side to this method; you may have to format the HDD.
Thanks for your reply.

I fixed this myself. Formatted the drive, and reinstalled Windows. All good to go again.

Neosmart & EasyRE was absolutely no use at all. I've sent multiple emails, and have now requested a full refund.

Very very unimpressed by this company - not a single reply from them. I wasn't expecting a miracle, but a response would be nice.
Thanks for your reply.

I fixed this myself. Formatted the drive, and reinstalled Windows. All good to go again.

Neosmart & EasyRE was absolutely no use at all. I've sent multiple emails, and have now requested a full refund.

Very very unimpressed by this company - not a single reply from them. I wasn't expecting a miracle, but a response would be nice.
I just sent you a private message.
@adelphi Don't you want a refund now?
If you still want one then please check your messages and respond to mine (envelope sign at top right),
There was something similar to this problem. The solution was to reinstall the operating system with a bootable usb tool. But there is a negative side to this method; you may have to format the HDD.