Easy Recovery Essentials Reviews

EasyRe didn´t work with my installation based on Win11. But the guarantee is not only a promise. There´s no risk to use the software. If it doesn´t work there will be a refund. That´s great.

Some unknown reason spoilt the working laptop to a locked state, no startup. Backup restore applied, possible corrupted first 100Mb partition. No startup, request for startup disk, which didn't exist. Main partition content was ok in the harddisk. Some time was spent to find reasons for start-up partition issues, difficult to locate or inspect the logic.
Easy RE reconstructed the startup-partition and internal links in minutes, and laptop started as a result without further problems. Looks the artical intelligence at Easy Re does what is expected at modest cost. This case the alternative had been uncertain to get to same goal.

With an apprenticeship in electronics and over 30 years experience in computer I though I had a good knowledge on most faults but I came across one I spent 3 days on and in frustration bought EasyRe, not expecting miracles. Wow fixed within the hour, it's certainly gone into my toolbox now

I updated Win10 to 11 a number of ways which all went smoothly till boot up failure offering Escape or press F1 to bring up repair options which were a waste of time as they could not fix boot problem. I tried all the recommendations I could find online, all didn't help so ending up putting Win 10 image back on.
I was looking through my system tools and found 'EasyBCD' which was unusable now but gave me an idea to search Neosmart web site. On there I found 'EasyRE for Windows 11' which was free. After download created bootable dongle. It booted to its gui giving option to fix errors (which I thought wouldn't work)...how wrong I was.. it booted straight into Win 11 no problem. Wow!

I was doing a recovery on a customer HDD connected to my Workshop computer. Something crashed my SSD and I couldn't get it to go. Ran Easy Recovery Essentials on it and in less than 5 mins I was up and running.. The Best!!

Attempting to migrate my boot drive did not go well. I had tried everything and happened to stumble on Easy Recovery Essentials. My machine was in a state where Windows wanted to reinstall and wipe out my apps as the ONLY solution. EasyRE save my machine with almost no help from me. From download to booting with the CD and allowing the automatic repair to do its things to reboot and system up was less than 45m. I couldn't believe it. Totally stable - Windows is happy. Windows Update is back to working - my machine is fully function. Can't thank the folks at Neosmart enough.

I spent two days trying to fix the MBR myself, looking at all the forums, lots of good info out there, but nothing worked for me, Then thought I've got nothing to loose, just pay the $40 and give it a go. Booting from USB wouldn't work for me, but I managed to create a bootable DVD using instructions from neosmart website and links. And did what I needed it to do, ran the auto repair. In 10 or so minutes had my laptop running like normal again Awesome thanks guys.

I am blown away by the simplicity and effectiveness. Within a minute my Win10 was back up and running. Plus I have a very old 486 PC running Windows XP. This PC does not support USB booting plus my CD drive also stopped working. I had been battling for 4 months to get it to boot. With EasyRE I am up and running again. Amazing !

After sending EasyRE to external drive and connecting such drive to non-starting laptop, again, it did not start.
Hi Costas. You can't just copy the EasyRE file to your external drive, you need to use a free tool like Easy USB Creator to “burn” the downloaded software to the USB in a way that your PC will be able to boot from it. (It takes less than 2 minutes to do that.) You can email easyre@neosmart.net if you still have questions or need more help.

I'm an IT professional, and had reached the end of the road trying to fix a Windows 7 Pro machine. The original Dell laptop died, and I was trying to boot the disc in a Toshiba laptop. The probable cause was different video arrangements in the two computers. Easy RE fixed it in one go, after which chkdsk ran automatically. Subsequently Windows booted successfully, so full marks for this.
The bad news is that the information that the licence expired after 48 hours should have been explained BEFORE purchase, not after. That the software will only fix one computer I took to mean that it was a permanent licence that would always be available to fix one specific computer.
Having used the product successfully I am tempted to buy the version that will fix multiple computers, but what does that mean? Two? Or perhaps 3 months? Or is it a permanent licence (which it should be for that amount of money)?
Raf, I think you may have misunderstood: the personal download links we create just for you and email you are valid for 48 hours but that's just the time you have to download the software (and can be extended without a problem by emailing support). The software itself keeps working after the link expires; the license doesn't “expire” in that manner.

I created a problem with my dual boot menu by removing the linux drive files. When I tried to restart windows, I got the Grub rescue menu. Fortunately, I found your tool and it quickly restored my windows 10 access. Four stars!

In my case EasyRE was not able to fix my problem. I wish it had, but in the end I had to reinstall Windows and all my applications. Neosmart was very kind to refund the $30 I spent trying their software, which not all companies would do so I must thank them for that. Nice to know there are still people and companies out there that want to help and are not all about money and greed.

I didn't believe that EasyRE would work, since all other attempts failed (other recovery tools, Win10 repair, etc.) and the boot process seemed to be completely messed up. However, with only a few mouseclicks the automatic EasyRE repair restored the system completely. Thanks!

Bought the product but sadly my pc had a broken motherboard so no joy, but rapid refund given and good support

A true one-click solution for when you delete your efi partition after uninstalling a linux dual boot from your windows install. Tip: if you're using a flash drive bigger than 128gb, try Rufus instead for installing to your usb.
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