Easy Recovery Essentials Reviews

I was test driving and reviewing linux distributions and after removing thumb drive and rebooting my windows 11 couldnt find hard drive. run recovery disc windows 11 my computer was just like new love it, love it, love it?

I rarely leave reviews because I mostly don't believe them, but I see you show negative reviews as well as positive ones. This review is really positive. I managed to muck up migrating my boot drive. I probably could have resolved it with some command line fiddling, from a recovery USB, but it would have taken time and been anxiety provoking. EasyRE diagnosed and sorted the issue in a few minutes. Well worth the money!

I bought the program, and tried to use it and the only thing that happened was some commands from the program were echoed back on the monitor and then the program terminated, unable to access the drive. I even tried running the program on computer that was running just fine, and nothing happened, when I contacted support I got absolutely no response, after a week passed, and buying a new hard drive, I requested a refund, and got no response. I have since discovered that the NVME M.2 drive suffered a failure into read only mode, due to a firmware fault, so the program could not possibly work, but I wanted to try this fix at the time, especially since it was "guaranteed".
Hi William. Unfortunately, EasyRE is only a software product and it cannot fix a PC that has physically gone bad (such as from a complete drive failure). I checked our support mailbox and didn't find any emails from you though! Can you make sure you are emailing easyre@neosmart.net and not any of the other support addresses?

I had this stupid error “no boot device found” in Windows 10 on a new installation.....wasted hours on this....then I found this program easy recovery....I hesitated quite a bit when I saw the price. What if it does not work. FORTUNATELY I bought it! It worked like a charm. Downloaded the little tool to create a bootable USB and run the automatic repair. You need only patience. Took around 30 minutes and it said that it repaired a bunch of stuff. And now the system runs without any problem. GOOD JOB!

I have a windows xp in RAID 1 with 2 harddisks that are mirrored together. I had removed one of the disks because of failure and the other one is what is given read disk error.
CAN YOUR SOFTWARE recover this drive?
Michael, it's going to depend on if you have physical disk damage or not. If it's just a RAID driver issue or a (not horrible) NTFS corruption problem, EasyRE should be able to work for you.

My Windows 11 was going into repair boot after using it for some days and was only booting when I disabled driver signature enforcement, I tried everything nothing used to work and I always had to reset it in order to boot again. I reseted my PC like 5-10 times because no solutions worked. Then I stumbled around EasyRe, booted the pen drive, tried their automatic repair, and guess what? It worked :D

Windows 10 Pro, upgrade new 2TB SSD hard drive install in desktop (Error loading OS). Very skeptical about purchasing the software and after the first time failed, I was ready to throw in the towel. Came home from work today and decided to give it one more try, and after a few anxious (program unresponsive) moments, it completed the repair and I'm back in business. Worth every penny considering the options.

I've been building PCs for as long as there have been PCs, so I have a big bag of tricks for when a computer suddenly won't boot anymore. But now TWICE in a row I've turned the job over to EasyRE and this is one of the best tools I have ever had. It's kinda scary at first - beware that so much scripting flies by on the screen that you think the Maxtrix has taken over your computer and the initial RAM check can take half an hour, but relax; this tool is amazing. LOL I may forget my bag of tricks over time from not using them anymore as the time savings alone is so valuable; let EasyRE chew on the problem while you go do something else. Awesome tool, gang....
Thanks for the kind words, Jeffrey. Just a tip to speed things up: you can skip the memory check the first time, let EasyRE do it's thing, and see if it worked. If it didn't, run EasyRE again and let it check the memory. Cheers!

My PC had been dead for 4 months (blue screen of dead loop) and nothing I tried worked. Decided to try this as a last resort and to my surprise it actually worked! After creating the USB boot drive the PC booted and repaired the NTFS.SYS file which took about 20 minutes. Definitely recommend this tool to anyone with Windows 10 blue screen issues or similar boot problems.

Had a problem at boot up, tried every manual command line fix out there, nothing fixed it. EasyRE fixed it in with one click!!!!!!

Used the new Windows 11 version to enable a Macruim Reflect image bootable for bare-metal restore. thanks Neosmart

Bought this after going through a long chain of other attempts including RUFUS to help build a restore USB drive holding my last backup, cloning my MSATA drive (Win 8.1, suddenly stopped booting but all the files were fine) and trying to repair with a fresh .ISO of the OS. The MSATA cloning went fine but the machine still wouldn't boot. A little startled at first by all the command-prompt scripting that runs before you get a mouseable screen, but true to it's word, Fix Automatically was just that - 10 minutes later my machine was booting. This. Thing. Works.

Didn't do a thing Website says guaranteed. Try to find the guarantee anywhere on the website.
Jeff, our repair guarantee can be found here. Send the team an email for info on the refund.

this crap won't boot up
Tony, please have a look at our wiki. We have a guide on troubleshooting boot from USB and another to troubleshoot boot from CD.

Bought the .iso for WIN XP and burned it with Easy USB Creator to a pen drive. I followed the manuals letter by letter,but... It doesn't work, during boot I got the message “No Filesystem”
Hi Martin, sorry to hear you couldn't boot into EasyRE to give it a try! It sounds like your BIOS isn't set up to boot from the USB stick ("pen drive") and is still trying to boot from the hard drive. We have a wiki article on how to boot from a USB stick, it should help!
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