PCmover Express for Windows XP free from Microsoft announced

Jim Walker

Distinguished Member
PCmover Express for Windows XP free from Microsoft announced


To move everything the choice is PCmover Pro. Any moves from XP up to Win 8.1 Pro, older OS to newer OS, can be done.

With the Pro version you can just take the XP hard drive or image of hard drive from a backup and move apps and data to new computer, without computer to computer transfer of data. Doing a physical drive/image move is very fast and clean. Last week I moved 90 apps from a Win 8.1 Pro computer to new Win 8.1 Pro system in less than 30 minutes. No problems, everything worked after move.

Unfortunately, PCmover support is uninformed about their own products. Contacted them three times and never got the correct answers to my questions. However, the product works great. Some support staff told me that hard drive or image moves are not supported in Pro version or any version of PCmover (FALSE). Others believe that additional Laplink product is needed (FALSE), when in fact it is part of Pro. Laplink support also did not know that PCmover creates an XML file that shows all apps moved and not moved. They said that no log was written with apps moved or failed to move (FALSE).