Annoying Intermittent Notification Area Issue


Senior Cook & Bottle Washer
Staff member
Every so often my network icon in the notification area shows up with a red X indicating that it's disconnected, however it is connected and working just fine.
I have tried every which way, including disabling the network, deleting the network and creating a new one etc., to make it look as it does in the accompanying picture but it seems that the only way is to reboot. Often I have to reboot two or three time before it shows green.....why?
Is there an easier way to get it to cooperate?
It's not like other icons there, it can't be exited and then restarted.
I've noticed this only occasionally in the past, but now it's frequent, since SP1.

I get the same thing, it goes away by itself some hours later on my PC though.

MS seems to really hate the notification icons! First it was the tooltips-behind-taskbar thing, and now this :lol:
Well I'm glad I'm not alone. There's very little about it online and no real solutions that I could find. Today I had to reboot twice before it went green. Yesterday 3 times.
well guess what, mine doesnt even show up anymore lol
Gimp isnt taking a full screen capture right now (even with the option set to full screen) so picture maybe later lol
Out of sight, out of mind they say. I can't stand looking at anything that isn't right. Mind you, there are a few repairs needing doing around this place which I am trying my hardest to ignore.
I've been leaving home at 7am and getting back at 8pm+ but if you care to list them maybe I can get to them sooner or later.
Unless im mistaken, I think Peter was talking about a couple things wrong with his place not the website.
It's that word "this" again. I used it the other day in another thread and Mak thought I was talking about here, not the site I was posting a link to.
Perhaps we should ban the use of the word th*s on the site CG - a bit of automatic moderation with all the other banned 4 letter words !
It's that word "this" again. I used it the other day in another thread and Mak thought I was talking about here, not the site I was posting a link to.
Perhaps we should ban the use of the word th*s on the site CG - a bit of automatic moderation with all the other banned 4 letter words !

I think we just need to be a little more clear on what we mean. :tongueout:
Perfectly correct use in both cases Mak, but that's the beauty/curse of the written/spoken English language. The ambiguity which can be used to great comic/ironic effect, but sometimes just gets misread/misunderstood.
(Infamy ! Infamy ! They've all got it in f' me ! --- Kenneth Williams --- Carry on Cleo)