Dual Boot Linux Mint on Win 11 Pro Laptop

Hello all,
Thanks to everyone who has worked to make this resource.

1. Will EaseRE Professional for Win 11 create bootable drives from xxx.ico files?
2. Using Easy USB Creator Lite.
Purchase and download EasyRE Professional for Win 11. Select that file in Creator Lite and plug in a formatted empty 32GB flash drive. Generation not known, probably 2.
Press return to start and the green progress bar runs for a moment and then the message, "This drive is being used by another program...***. Eject the drive. Boot the computer. The same error message. The flash drive had been used with Etcher or Rufus or another app that wrecks the drive formatting. I corrected it use drive utilities.
I now have a new 2.0 64GB drive that I have not yet tried. I have been stonewalled on this for about 3 weeks. Part of it has been the boot device sequence,, but when I have tried every relevant option it has not booted.
1. EasyRE itself is the .iso file, it doesn't create the bootable drive (that's what Easy USB Creator does)
2. I'm really confused by your message and had a hard time following along what you did and what worked or didn't, but try using Rufus directly to create bootable USB from the EasyRE iso image.
I apologize for the unclear post.
My goal is to install Linux Mint dual boot on a fresh Win 11 laptop.

I have purchased NeoSmart's PC repair utility, EasyRE Pro.

I believed that EasyRE Pro can as make bootable USB flash drives as well as fix broken Windows. . That may not be true. I may need another program for that. I have written NeoSmart for clarification.

I have a copy of EasyCBD lite. I will try that to make a bootable disk from the Linux Mint .ico.
MS is deliberately making it difficult to boot other applications.
EasyBCD is the tool that can manage the bootloader or create various external bootable media, EasyRE is a recovery tool to fix Windows and fix the Windows bootloader (not customize it). Easy USB Creator is a "mini" standalone utility that can only convert an ISO image to a bootable USB, but it is limited in the ISO images it supports (Windows setup ISOs going back to Windows 9x, WinRE ISO images, EasyRE ISO files, etc).
Can the instructions for Ubuntu be used to setup dual boot with Linux Mint Cinnamon?

See above.

I found some info that says the procedure is very similar. I will give it a try.
Thanks. Do you know where I can find a detailed tutorial for EasyCBD 2.4?

I have 3 NeoSmart programs.

On the C: drive, in x86 programs, EasyCBD Community Edition.

In a flash drive, that is intended to be used to install Linux Mint Dual Boot with the existing Win. 11, is Easy USB Creator Lite and EasyRE Professional for Windows 11. It is a disk image file.

I have two goals; Install the Linux dual boot, and to make the EasyRE into a bootable application file.
Somehow, when attempting to make this file bootable, I got those two programs on the flash drive.

.........and, there is a file showing up as DVD Drive (G:smile: CDROM. When clicked it opens its file list, and one of them starts with "easyre..."

Most needed is to get Linux installed dual boot.
I apologize for the mess I have created by blundering in where I thought I knew what I was doing.
Here is the current situation. Along the way I have made the Win 11 laptop unbootable. My priority now using EasyRE Professional for Windows 11 rather than installing Linux Mint.

The same thing happens with EasyRE as with the Linux .ico. when using Easy USB Creator Lite.

I have Cleaned and formatted a Fat32 32GB USB Flash Drive.

Run Easy USB Creator Lite.
Select the EasyRE Pro file.
Select the correct drive, the above USB flash drive.
Progress bar runs for about a second and then, "Unable to write boot code to drive, please check to make sure the drive isn't currently in use and try again."

I ejected the flash drive removed it, booted the computer, insert the drive and do the process again---with the same result.
This is the same result that happened trying to make a Linus Mint .ico bootable drive. I have done this on the Win 11, and this machine, an up-to -date Win 10 Professional.
I solved nothing, but a friend was able to get Mint on to a laptop that had Win 10. I am tired of dicking with the whole thing . It is probable another you-know-who conspiracy to rule the world.