Error: The Boot Configuration Data Store Could not be Opened

Jim Gower

I was able to install EasyBCD by first installing the NET framework version needed. I encountered 2 problems. 1) During install the program refused to accept the License Key I was given by neosmart. 2) EasyBCD is not working now because of the following error:
Opening BCD Registry

The boot configuration data store could not be opened.
The system cannot find the file specified.

Would you like to manually load a BCD registry for EasyBCD to manage? Please note that EasyBCD requires the BCD bootloader (nstalled by default on Windows Vista and higher), and will not work in XP-only environments.

Your website says EasyBCD will work with Windows XP, so please advise how to fix this error.

Jim Gower
XP DOESN’t use BCD, see:

BCDEdit on Windows XP​

Windows XP doesn’t have a bcdedit.exe utility available, but the bootcfg.exe utility instead. Bootcfg.exe is part of the Windows XP’s Recovery Console.

To read about bootcfg, follow our guide: Bootcfg – Guide for Windows XP.