Won't POST after EasyBCD Changes


I picked up a Dell Inspiron 546T after my old custom computer m/b died. I was just going to hang the old SATA hard drives in there but I read about EasyBCD and thought I'd set up dual-boot. I had multi-boot on the old box with Win XP, 2000, and Recovery Console and it was useful.

The intial setup worked and I had two Windows XP entries and the Windows 7. The XP were unfortunately defaults. I couldn't get the loader to go into XP in VGA or Safe mode so I couldn't update the drivers on that install.

I wanted Windows 7 to be the default, so I moved it up in the list in and saved.

Now the computer won't even POST (no beeps at all). Could EasyBCD have corrupted the BIOS?
EayBCD is a GUI to manipulate the BCD.
You're not getting that far.
The NT systems you tried to boot, if you just put the old HDD in your new box, won't work without a "repair install" because of the environment change.
Check the power connections to the mobo, and the fuse in the power supply.
EayBCD is a GUI to manipulate the BCD.
You're not getting that far.
The NT systems you tried to boot, if you just put the old HDD in your new box, won't work without a "repair install" because of the environment change.
Check the power connections to the mobo, and the fuse in the power supply.

Thanks for the quick reply, Terry. I didn't think EasyBCD did anything other than modify the BCD. I'll check the power supply since Dell specs the minimal needed for a build.