it's my first contact to this forum and I hope to get a solution for my problem!
Here I have a PC system with a volume incl. XP (2 partitions). To use VISTA Ultimate 64 I add a installed a new volume (2 partitions).
Before installing this I removed the XP-volume to protect this.
After install Vista on new volume I added the XP-Volume to PC. In BIOS will detected both volumes correctly!
VISTA: partition C, partition D for data
XP: partition G, partition H for data
In EASYBCD I add XP to volume G - it was easly to do!
During boot PC system detect 2 OP. If I try to select XP PC goes to reboot!
VISTA works fine always? Could tel me everyone where is my failure, or doesn't
work this generally!
I have problem that XP couldn't reinstall, because any old programs are on volume!
Hope for your help!
Kind regards
it's my first contact to this forum and I hope to get a solution for my problem!
Here I have a PC system with a volume incl. XP (2 partitions). To use VISTA Ultimate 64 I add a installed a new volume (2 partitions).
Before installing this I removed the XP-volume to protect this.
After install Vista on new volume I added the XP-Volume to PC. In BIOS will detected both volumes correctly!
VISTA: partition C, partition D for data
XP: partition G, partition H for data
In EASYBCD I add XP to volume G - it was easly to do!
During boot PC system detect 2 OP. If I try to select XP PC goes to reboot!
VISTA works fine always? Could tel me everyone where is my failure, or doesn't
work this generally!
I have problem that XP couldn't reinstall, because any old programs are on volume!
Hope for your help!
Kind regards