Advance Downtime Notice


Mostly Harmless
Staff member
Sometime soon (most likely Sunday?), NeoSmart will be down for a while as we perform some long-delayed updates.

PHP, MySQL, the Wiki, the forums, & the bug tracker all need some updates; and I may take advantage of the downtime to push out a custom version of the Image Gallery to handle the ever-increasing traffic (the gallery is the slowest part of the site, ATM).

Just so we're all on the same page here :smile:
What will I do with all that spare time...? Perhaps do some house cleaning that is severely overdue...perhaps....!
Thanks CG. I usually delete visitior messages once they are read but to be able to delete them totally, rather than only a soft delete, would be nice.
What on Earth was going on up above with all those non-posts?

oops, ignore, they aren't there anymore...LOL