Almost there! But I need some help... Please?


Hi, windowsmac here again with a request...

I have almost booted up Mac OS X on the Vista bootloader but it still does not work. I have made some corrections with the bootloader and I will paste the NeoGrub .lst entry below.
# NeoSmart NeoGrub Bootloader Configuration File
# This is the NeoGrub configuration file, and should be located at C:\NST\menu.lst
# Please see the EasyBCD Documentation for information on how to create/modify entries:
default 0
timeout 30
title Mac OS X 10.4.6 x86/64 Generic Testing PC
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

Then here's the debug info...

Windows Boot Manager
identifier              {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device                  partition=C:
description             Windows Boot Manager
locale                  en-US
inherit                 {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e}
resumeobject            {1a087016-2283-11dc-bf8e-abeb01dae071}
displayorder            {1a087015-2283-11dc-bf8e-abeb01dae071}
toolsdisplayorder       {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d}
timeout                 30
Windows Boot Loader
identifier              {1a087015-2283-11dc-bf8e-abeb01dae071}
device                  partition=C:
path                    \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description             Microsoft Windows Vista
locale                  en-US
inherit                 {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7}
truncatememory          0x80000000
bootdebug               No
osdevice                partition=C:
systemroot              \Windows
resumeobject            {1a087016-2283-11dc-bf8e-abeb01dae071}
nx                      OptIn
pae                     ForceDisable
detecthal               No
oslnointegritychecks    No
vga                     No
quietboot               Yes
usefirmwarepcisettings  No
sos                     No
debug                   No
Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {f8da5943-21a4-11dc-985f-c71e63941472}
device                  boot
path                    \NST\nst_mac.mbr
description             NST Mac OS X
Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier              {f8da5944-21a4-11dc-985f-c71e63941472}
device                  boot
path                    \NST\NeoGrub.mbr
description             NeoGrub Bootloader

But when I select NST Mac OS X it loops and goes directly back to the Vista bootloader! Then with NeoGrub, it does the same thing when I select Mac OS X through that. My problem is not that whole "HFS+ Partition error" thing or anything else other than it looping. I can still boot up Vista and when I wrote the MBR in the Manage Bootloader section it actually cleaned up the bootloader so thank you Copmuter Guru for EasyBCD because it fixed my laptop! But I would love some help on this looping problem. I also have a darwin x86 live cd so could I boot from that somehow just to see if it works?

Please I am so close running Mac OS X! Help me!
Sorry for my late response, I am usually quicker.

I fixed the problem the Vista bootloader and guess what it worked! All I had to do is this:
rootnoverify (hdx,y)
chainloader +1
The difference in this renewed OS X entry is that in NeoGrub what I WAS missing was the line of code "makeactive". I have OS X on my PC! Except one thing, I my power button by accident in the setting up stage of OS X, so then it started saying when I booted up my computer "HFS+ Partition error" and my vista bootloader. So luckily I had a Vista Home Premium and it fixed the bootloader. I did try the command"bootrec /fixmbr" while running the Install DVD. So now I will wait to get my Macbook Pro and back up EVERYTHING on my HP. Then I will attempt to boot OS X then. But it will be about two weeks until I get my MacBook Pro. After all, my HP was like $3,200 after all upgrades and warranty. It is a great OS X testing PC:

T5500 @ 1.66Ghz ~1.67Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo (overclocked to 2.66Ghz ~2.67Ghz)
2GB High Performance RAM
2x100GB Hitachi HDD 7,200RPM
520MB nVidia 7600 GeForce Go (S-video, VGA, HDMI)
Conexant HD 24-bit Audio Speakers/Microphone
Intel Pro 3945ABG wireless and LAN card
17" Widescreen WUXGA
HP 1.3 MegaPixel Webcam
Also HP Quickplay buttons with heat-sensitive touch interface and compatibilty for iTunes, Windows Media Player 11, and Windows Vista Media Center.

So I will let everyone know when I achieve my goal.
That is awesome news, windowsmac, I'm really happy for you!

I'll keep that makeactive line in mind, can't believe I missed it the first time :/