After restoring a windows 7 partition image into a new HD (using DriveImage XMhe machine is not restL) restarting. there isn't any error - it simply does not regognize win 7.
I tried using Win7 install disk in order to repair the boot record - but the repair tool does not recognize win 7 is installed.
I thought maybe using EasyBCD in order to create an MBR.
1. Does it make sense?
2. Is it possible, in the first place, to boot from USB / Cd with EasyBCD and then create an MBR?
After restoring a windows 7 partition image into a new HD (using DriveImage XMhe machine is not restL) restarting. there isn't any error - it simply does not regognize win 7.
I tried using Win7 install disk in order to repair the boot record - but the repair tool does not recognize win 7 is installed.
I thought maybe using EasyBCD in order to create an MBR.
1. Does it make sense?
2. Is it possible, in the first place, to boot from USB / Cd with EasyBCD and then create an MBR?