Bootable EasyBCD Disc

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@Jake: It's better to err on the side of caution, rather than ban an innocent user.
That's weird.
I've been absent a lot in the last few days because I'm doing a lot of laborious ripping of my Goon Show CDs which need a lot of manual intervention (I don't want each show broken up as 10-15 separate mp3 chunks), but that means that the automatic album art gets lost, and I've been researching/experimenting with getting it back with a totally non-matching track list. (unfortunately the MP11 manual facility has been junked in MP12)
I've managed to do it for one album, but I can't remember what I did, and haven't managed to reproduce it for the other 25 yet, so the spambot is spookily reading my mind (or monitoring my web activity !)

I don't know what the user's aim is when the post contains no advertising or porn links or any apparent purpose.
I've managed to do it for one album, but I can't remember what I did, and haven't managed to reproduce it for the other 25 yet, so the spambot is spookily reading my mind (or monitoring my web activity !)

I don't know what the user's aim is when the post contains no advertising or porn links or any apparent purpose.
Yeah, one of those weird coincidences, I guess...
Just the other day, I was googling my username, and found this link. Funny thing is it wasn't me that made the thread, and I doubt it was you named "Terry60" or Justin named "kairozamorro" there either! :brows: Is that strange, or what??!

Maybe somebody's copying the support team usernames at NST.
That can't be a coincidence.
It's another Jelsoft vBulletin site.
Someone must be cloning ids from this site creating fake dialogues for some reason.
Wow, that is wierd :S

I can assure you up til that link you provided no one else is online that uses my nickname cause its too unique. Its a shame some people have nothing better to do than spend their days online creating fake conversations.
Actually, they're not :smile:

It's computers, scripts, and bots that are scraping usernames. The posts on that site were created by the owner of the site, not actual users, via scripting.... the point being to generate traffic via searches (spammy SEO) and monetizing on referral links and advertisements == YUCK.
Ha, this guys got a private registration with a local address in AZ. Are we popular or what?
Well I could give this guy a call but I don't think he would remove the posts.
I wouldn't bother... "And grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change" :smile:
  • Create a WinPE Bootable USB:
    • Download the Windows ADK (Assessment and Deployment Kit) from the Microsoft website, which includes the tools to create a WinPE image.
    • Follow the instructions provided by Microsoft to create a WinPE USB drive. This usually involves installing the ADK and the WinPE add-ons, then using the MakeWinPEMedia command.
  • Add EasyBCD to the WinPE Image:
    • Once the WinPE USB is created, you need to add EasyBCD to it.
    • Mount the WinPE image:
      Copy code
      dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\WinPE\media\sources\boot.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:C:\WinPE\mount
    • Copy EasyBCD files to the mounted image:
      Copy code
      xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\*" "C:\WinPE\mount\Program Files\EasyBCD\" /s /e
    • Commit the changes and unmount the image:
      Copy code
      dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:C:\WinPE\mount /Commit
  • Boot from the USB Drive:
    • Insert the USB drive into the target machine and boot from it.
    • Once booted into WinPE, navigate to the directory where EasyBCD is located and run it.
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