Bootloader help.


I am one of the rare people who actually understand the linux boot loaders a lot better then microsofts. Thus I downloaded this wonderful program EasyBCD. I added the Windows XP hard drive to my list of operating systems with the program and it appears on the boot screen but when i go to use it i get an error unable to boot from \ntldr I have windows XP and vista on seperate hard drives. Here is my settings for the program

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader TimeOut: 30 seconds.
Default OS:

Entry #1

Name: Microsoft Windows Vista
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows

Entry #2

Name: Microsoft Windows
BCD ID: {18ad578f-b6ad-11db-9ddb-0008a1244aa3}
Drive: F:\
Bootloader Path: \ntldr
Windows Directory:

one problem i see is that it don't have anything listed under the Windows Directory for my Windows XP which is on the F:\ in F:\Windows

please help me..


Hello Dustin, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies!

Power users always prefer code to binary data - I guess we know we're dealing with a pro here! :smile:

Windows other than Vista shouldn't have the "Windows: " text, so no problems there. (see this thread: )

Change the drive letter for Windows XP from F: to C:, does that do the trick?

If it doesn't, please cut and paste the contents of the "Detailed Mode" display to the post window here so we can find a proper fix :smile:
Thanks for the quick reply once I looked at my settings in my post I realized that I haven't tried changing it to C:\

Vista is okay and pretty and a OS X rip off lol and I do like it but my sound card and printer aren't vista compadible fun fun so I keep xp around for fun, plus im still using my RC1 I beta tested for Microsoft.

