Hi There,Saviours from NeoSmart!
I'm a Vista Home Premium English version user, working on a HP Pavillon laptop model dv9500.
After 6 months without considerable issues,I had to restore from the D partition created on my HD at the moment of the very first installation of my OS.
Obviously and like many others,I had no dvd-cd to restore the system.
Then it came the worldwide famous message Bootmgr is missing and,following the indications on these forums,I went on and downloaded the Window Vista recovery disc.iso from the link provided here,using uTorrent.
I then burned the three file folders,repectevely called Boot (3.27mb), Sources (144mb) and finally Bootmgr (325kb) unto a blank cd,using Cd Burner Xp pro version 3.0.116 english.
What Happened?
first,Cd Burner XP allows you to burn .iso images into .iso1 and .iso2 formats,so here's my first question:
which .iso format to choose?
second: i tried to burn choosing .iso1 and setting first on non-bootable cd,then on bootable.
with the first cd i burned,i couldn't boot at all form my pc and i only got a cursor on top left of a black screen.
with the second cd i previously burned (disc set to bootable),system recovery seemed to start,then on the same black screen as ususal i saw this new,blowing message: CANNOT LOAD DOS!
any key to retry.
obviously,no way.
I am now downloading the .so file ex-novo,and will try with both non-bootable and bootable burn settings through .iso2 format.
Any advice-tips-prayers for me?
thanks for your patience.
I'm a Vista Home Premium English version user, working on a HP Pavillon laptop model dv9500.
After 6 months without considerable issues,I had to restore from the D partition created on my HD at the moment of the very first installation of my OS.
Obviously and like many others,I had no dvd-cd to restore the system.
Then it came the worldwide famous message Bootmgr is missing and,following the indications on these forums,I went on and downloaded the Window Vista recovery disc.iso from the link provided here,using uTorrent.
I then burned the three file folders,repectevely called Boot (3.27mb), Sources (144mb) and finally Bootmgr (325kb) unto a blank cd,using Cd Burner Xp pro version 3.0.116 english.
What Happened?
first,Cd Burner XP allows you to burn .iso images into .iso1 and .iso2 formats,so here's my first question:
which .iso format to choose?
second: i tried to burn choosing .iso1 and setting first on non-bootable cd,then on bootable.
with the first cd i burned,i couldn't boot at all form my pc and i only got a cursor on top left of a black screen.
with the second cd i previously burned (disc set to bootable),system recovery seemed to start,then on the same black screen as ususal i saw this new,blowing message: CANNOT LOAD DOS!
any key to retry.
obviously,no way.
I am now downloading the .so file ex-novo,and will try with both non-bootable and bootable burn settings through .iso2 format.
Any advice-tips-prayers for me?
thanks for your patience.