Bootsect screwed up my USB flash drive

Well I've been using the ubcd4win tools I've mentioned. Its a gui tool, but it basically takes pe2usb.bin in the background and performs the actions stated and then some depending on what I want it to do. I usually formatted the drives in fat32, but I suppose I can give ntfs a try...
Yeah, I'm actually trying to figure out a way right now to convert the filesystem back to Fat 32 if possible...LOL :smile: I've heard NTFS wasn't a very filesystem for UFDs because its not very fond of quick removal, I guess, because its a semi-journaled filesystem.

There's some other problem too with NTFS that I read about, but haven't managed to find again in the last several minutes I looked for it...

Bottom line. It seems its better to use the Fat filesystem on UFDs at least, though techically, NTFS is more "advanced". :brows:

BTW, the reason why I used the modified version of PeToUSB is because apparently the normal version doesn't support large UFDs like mine. Learned about it on the 911cd forums.
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You can set a drive for quick removal rather than performance from its properties, however, I'm not sure if this would apply across multiple machines or for that machine only. Regardless, I just use the u3 eject option from the menu anyway, which tends to do a better job sometimes than Windows safe removal lol

Well you got me curious again in making it work. Another project for the weekend :smile:
You can set a drive for quick removal rather than performance from its properties, however, I'm not sure if this would apply across multiple machines or for that machine only. Regardless, I just use the u3 eject option from the menu anyway, which tends to do a better job sometimes than Windows safe removal lol

Well, what I meant is NTFS doesn't support very well switching those options back and forth, from what I read. :wink: Meaning if you had the flash drive set for quick removal, and wanted to switch it to performance instead, from what I've heard that can kill your UFD if its formatted with NTFS. Actually, I'm not really sure about that...
I have been searching for the last several minutes trying to find the site where I read something about that, but haven't been able to find it again for some reason. :frowning: I'm not sure if I'm relaying back correctly what I read. I need to read it again.

Yeah, I usually use the U3 eject option too. More convenient...:wink: Just open the menu by clicking on the icon on the desktop, and click eject, and its done. Of course you can do the same thing with Windows built-in feature too, but its sometimes better to use the tool made specifically for something, rather than using the tool that was made to be compatible with a lot of different things, if you know what I mean. :smile:

Off to bed now to catch my beauty sleep...
I don't have any idea what I'm typing. :booyah: