Built 107-bug : detect wrong size USB flash driver and format

The 1GiB thing is probably a rounding problem - but are you absolutely sure it's NTFS?

Can you please post a screenshot of Disk Management (Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer Management | Disk Management) for comparison?
The 1GiB thing is probably a rounding problem - but are you absolutely sure it's NTFS?

Can you please post a screenshot of Disk Management (Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Computer Management | Disk Management) for comparison?
here is my picture :smile:


  • easyBCD_report_bug.jpg
    409.6 KB · Views: 5
OK, can you post a picture of

EasyBCD | Useful Utilities | Power Console
bootgrabber.exe /tlist

Thanks :smile:
OK, I see the problem.

1) Indeed, there is a rounding issue. Fixed in the next build of EasyBCD.
2) Your MBR and partition bootsector are in conflict. The MBR says that the partition is FAT16, the bootsector says that it is NTFS. Windows has more info available than bootgrabber does, and looks at the bootsector to make the final decision. It seems the tool you used to either originally create the partition or to convert it from FAT to NTFS did not do so correctly.