Can not install XP after W7

I am trying to install XP on a separate partition on new laptop with Windows 7/64 but without sucess. I have also tried Add New Entry in the easy BCD 2.0.2 but get the following message: EasyBCD failed to detect a valid installation of Windows NT-2003 on all mounted drives and was unable to continue. This message occurs both with automatically and manually configurated drive. The files NTDETECT and ntldr has been added to the root (C). Should I use "install XP bootloader to the MBR" in the Bootloader Setup and the push "Wright MBR"?
DON'T "Install XP bootloader".
That's only for when you no longer want Vista/7 . If you're going back to an XP ONLY, single boot.
Has boot.ini been added to the root C?

After you installed windows XP were you able to get windows XP to boot up?

The ability to add the entry for windows XP in Easy BCD should be a snap.
Have installed EasyBCD 2.1 but get the same error message as before: EasyBCD failed to detect a valid installation of Windows NT-2003 on all mounted drives and was unable to continue.

Have no boot.ini in the computer. Where can I find this file? The problem is that I can not install XP. When booting from XP CD a lot of files are loaded and after the screen "Windos is starting" is shown, there is a new screen saying "An error has occured and Windows has closed på prevent problems withyour computer."
2 questions:

1) Can you see the Windows XP drive from within Windows 7 in My Computer?
2) Is Windows XP installed to a folder than \WINDOWS ?
What version if any of a service pack do you have with Windows XP? Without at least service pack one Windows XP can’t deal with a partitioned hard disc bigger than 128 GB. There is a workaround however. As long as the partitions add up to less than 128 GB and the rest of the hard disk is empty you should be able install Windows XP without a service pack.

Also I am not sure which version of the Windows XP service packs started support for SATA drives. I slipstreamed service pack three, which is the last service pack for Windows XP, into an Windows XP disc and it installed perfectly.
You need SP2 for integrated SATA support, otherwise get SATA drivers from your mobo OEM and F6 them from a floppy before the install.
I have several times tried to install XP following the instructions in the "Installing XP After Vista" but so far without success.

The XP version is with Service Pack 2. Where can I find SATA drivers if still needed?
SP2 has SATA support. No need to look elsewhere.
Have you set your BIOS to boot CD before HDD ?
If you are trying to install Windows by a temporary override of the BIOS boot sequence, the install will fail at the first attempt to reboot. The reboot will go to the (not yet complete) HDD instead of back to the CD for the second phase.
BIOS is set to boot CD before HDD.
The machine is a new HP G62-a11 SO Notebook PC with pre-installed Windows 7/64 Home, Athlon II P320, 4 GB RAM, 640 GB HHD. Belarc Managment gives the following information regarding HDD and controller: WDC WD64 00BEVT-60A0RT0 SATA Disk Device (640,13 GB) -- drive 0. AMD SATA Controller.
Installation of the XP stops when the screen "Window starts" is shown, i.e. before choise of drive and restart.