Cant change Drive letter



Hello...I had vista installed first and followed the instrutions and have now installed Xp on another partition. The partition I installed Xp on was G.
I repair the start up problem with vista and when I run EasyBCD 1.7.1 and try to add the Xp, I cannot change the drive or partition letter. It is C and I am unable to change it to G so I can duel boot. Vista is installed on the C drive..Any thoughts or ideas?
Thanking everyone in advance!
Again, if you guys read the documentation you'll see that you cannot manually pick the drive letter for Windows XP entries. It must be the boot drive, and EasyBCD will do that automatically. You can specify the partition via boot.ini, but you shouldn't have to.
Is XP recognized itself as C:\ or as G:\? also ahve you tried reading thru our Wiki:

Windows XP - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki
Okay Read the documentation. It is there for a reason.
It covers almost all errors you can come across.
Again, if you guys read the documentation you'll see that you cannot manually pick the drive letter for Windows XP entries. It must be the boot drive, and EasyBCD will do that automatically. You can specify the partition via boot.ini, but you shouldn't have to.
As Guru has already said. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE THE DRIVE LETTER. Thank you.
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Okay Read the documentation. It is there for a reason.
It covers almost all errors you can come across.

As Guru has already said. YOU CAN NOT CHANGE THE DRIVE LETTER. Thank you.

Ok, I didn't change the drive letter and rebooted. It gave me the option of selecting Vista / XP. I chose XP ... and it started to load and then I got the blue screen.

I am thinking that XP doesn't have the boot.ini folder ( it installed it in Vista )

Any thoughts ?

Thanks !
Windows XP - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

Again read thru the Wiki. It tells you what to do with no boot.ini or a missing boot.ini file. Plus it doesnt have a folder. The boot.ini file should be jsut a file that sits in the root of your boot drive.

The way to see the boot.ini file is to go to Folder Options>View and uncheck the boxes for hide system files. It will say that it is recommended to hide those files but in order to make sure that the boot.ini file is there you need to uncheck that box.

Since i am assuming that you are within Vista there is 2 ways to get to teh Folder Options. The first way is thru the Control Panel. The 2nd way i dont remember off hand sorry.
Ok .... I reinstalled XP and installed Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

I was able to get Dual boot to work ... and then Vista wanted to do a chkdsk and discovered "problems" and deleted a few things. I then tried to restart using XP and it gave me the following error message.

File: \NTDLR

Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

What am I doing wrong ?
They go into the root of the boot drive. I said this back in post #7. We can not determine which is your boot drive. Please read post #7 again i give instructions on how to determine where your boot files are located. Thank you.
My boot drive is C: ( Vista Partition )
XP is installed on D:

I read through the guide and have unchecked to see the hidden files and the system files.

Where do I install these files ? In the XP partition or the Vista one ?

Thanks !
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Since Vista is your boot drive you would put them into the root directory of the Vista drive. So they would go right in the C:\ drive.
I installed them into my C:\ directory and recieved the following message.

"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

<Windows root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe.

Please re-install a copy of the above file"
Insert your Windows XP CD and go to the recovery console. From there jsut copy ofer the file from the CD to the Windows/system32 folder.