Can't choose which OS to boot

Teh Lemon

Hello, today I thought I would try dual booting Windows XP with Windows 7 (the first OS) but it keeps booting into XP only without giving me a choice.

I discovered your program which looks helpful but isn't actually doing anything to solve my problem.

Installing XP After Vista - EasyBCD - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki

I followed this guide but Windows XP is still booting automatically.

In my "Edit Boot Menu" I see "Microsoft Windows 7" at the top with the "default" field ticked. Underneath I have "Microsoft Windows XP". "Skip the boot menu" is turned off and I have the booting to default set to 10 seconds.

I have tried restarting the computer, resetting the BCD configuration and reinstalling the Windows 7 bootloader to MBR several times.

I can't perform the "Re-create/repair boot files" action in the "BCD Backup/Repair" menu as it supposedly doesn't work on Windows XP.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?

Thanks. (If I do not reply soon it is because it has gotten late and I would have gone to bed.)

p.s Does anyone know how I would go about deleting XP altogether? The "Delete drive" option is greyed out in Computer Management.
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Don't worry I've fixed it now, I downloaded the Windows 7 recovery disc from your website and it automatically found problems in the startup and fixed them for me. :smile:
Great to hear. My instructions would have saved you the hassle of downloading and using the boot CD.