Choose windows folder


I lost windows XP (only at boot) after Win7 installation, so i used EasyBDC to add it back, but i'm having some problem.. My xp is installed in /windows2 not /windows, EasyBDC loads /windows/system32 and i can't figure out how to change windows folder destination...
Any ideas?
Rename the Windows2 folder to windows, add the XP entry with EasyBCD (auto),
rename the folder back to windows2.
Use EasyBCD tools "edit legacy entries" to locate the boot.ini you just created, and edit the folder name from windows to windows2 in both places (system and default)
OK, that's fine.

You need to mount (give a drive letter to) the hidden boot partition, then try that again.
You haven't added an XP entry.
You've added a Vista/7 entry.
Pick the correct OS type from the dropdown.
It can't locate boot.ini if you haven't created one.