Choosing disk / partition


New Member
Hi - I have a disk with Win XP on it and I can't boot from it.
I have another disk with XP which is working fine and from which I can run EasyBCD.
The problem is that I can't choose the disk / partition to work on.
Only in the "Bootloader Setup" of EasyBCD there is an option to install the BCD and write the MBR, but even after doing so the disk fails to boot. There seems to be no option to use the other EasyBCD options - like "Edit Boot Menu" on another disk than the booted one.
Please help. Thank's, Frank.
EasyBCD, as the name implies, is an app for managing the Vista/7 BCD.
The BCD doesn't exist in XP. You can only use the app in and for XP as a part of a Vista/7 multi-boot.
The facilities for regenerating the BCD are inhibited in an environment that doesn't include either Vista or W7.
Guys..!!! i was tryin installing xp sp3 in xp..!!! got a fatal error whic left me a dual boot menu, ie
Xp professional
Xp professional setup

now i installed win 7, thnx to easy BCD got rid of XP but still it shows dual boot..!!
Xp professional Setup

how to get ride of this setup frm boot :frowning: :frowning:
can any1 help me...????

Tuhin, 1 post is enough and I already moved one of your others to its own thread here: Help With Dual Boot Menu Please - The NeoSmart Forums

Please stay with that one.