I have a WD640GB black drive w/4 partitions. XP Pro on C, Win7 Pro on G and two are data(E,F). I bought another identical drive and copied the old to the new w/ Data Lifeguard. XP Pro is my default OS. The copy looks right but boots directly into XP Pro. No more choice. I ran EasyBCD and it showed both OS, with some odd info; like instead of XP being on C:, it said deleted partition. I tried to repair by backing up the settings on the original drive that works and restoring them thru EasyBCD on the clone. Same problem. Then I tried writing the MBR with Install Windows XP Bootloader to the MBR. That brought back my choice of which OS to boot. But neither will start now. XP shows a ntldr error and then subsequently other errors. I tried to boot using the Win7 disc and it went thru the repair startup rigamarole and gave up saying it couldn't fix. Any ideas? Please help. Thanks.