command-line reboot-into tool


New Member
It would be great to have a command-line reboot-into tool. I've been using IReboot but would
like to be able to run something from the command line to set which OS to reboot into. This
ability would be great for anyone multi-booting in a test lab where they needed quick access
to boot into different Windows configurations. Please keep me posted if this functionality already exists.

Hi Monsrud, welcome to NeoSmart Technologies.

Basically you're looking for command-line iReboot functionality? That's not currently possible; esp. since iReboot was designed to be a minimalist GUI tool.....

It may be added at the future, if/when a new version should come out; but, of course, no promises.

In the meanwhile, you should be able to script what you need in a .BAT file via bcdedit.exe.