My problem seems to be exactly the same as one reported by "ShinRa" in March 2007. I have successfully installed WP 2.2.1. I have a truncated RSS 2.0 feed. I would like to provide a full-text feed. So I installed CompleteRSS. Great — I got a full-text feed! But … all the things I WANT to be truncated (archives, categories, search results) were then ALSO full text. That’s unacceptable. So I uninstalled CompleteRSS — and then, archives, categories, search results all work again. But my feed is cut off.
I uninstalled all of my plug-ins, logged out, logged back in, etc., etc. I've been working on this for one week. I combed through all my PHP in the archive/categories and search results files. Only the_excerpt() is used in archive.php and search.php. Nothing odd, no funny custom scripts.
I am not using “more” in my posts, and I never ever write a summary. I am running the blog on Dreamhost.
I have read so much of the PHP, and the only thing I can guess is that at the end of the CompleteRSS file, where it says --
add_filter( 'option_rss_use_excerpt', create_function( '$a=0', 'return 1;' ) );
-- is it possible that this is changing the way that the_excerpt() works?
Please help!
Remember, I already deactivated ALL of my plug-ins (not that I have many of them) and tried CompleteRSS all by itself. The same thing happens!!
I uninstalled all of my plug-ins, logged out, logged back in, etc., etc. I've been working on this for one week. I combed through all my PHP in the archive/categories and search results files. Only the_excerpt() is used in archive.php and search.php. Nothing odd, no funny custom scripts.
I am not using “more” in my posts, and I never ever write a summary. I am running the blog on Dreamhost.
I have read so much of the PHP, and the only thing I can guess is that at the end of the CompleteRSS file, where it says --
add_filter( 'option_rss_use_excerpt', create_function( '$a=0', 'return 1;' ) );
-- is it possible that this is changing the way that the_excerpt() works?
Please help!
Remember, I already deactivated ALL of my plug-ins (not that I have many of them) and tried CompleteRSS all by itself. The same thing happens!!