Creative Audigy 4/Vista 5728 Problem


Staff member
Anyone out there getting a problem when opening Recording Devices from the taskbar speaker icon? All other tabs work fine except that one which opens briefly and then gives a rundll32 error and closes. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling sound, no change. Using 2.10.0000 drivers.
Strangely my microphone works and so does Speech Recognition.

No, but it's buggy as hell..

For me, if I don't select "Digital Output" (I have digital SPDIF speakers) and press "Test Sound" but press "Stop" before the sound (that I can't hear) finishes playing, it crashes... same error as yours.

Is this with the new Creative drivers?
Drivers are 2.10.0000 which are the latest available at Creative. I think it's a "5728 problem" as it's only just started since I upgraded.
I'm only using a 2.1 speaker arrangement so can't speak for the surround sound buffs.
I left feedback at Creative (there's a feedback form specially for Vista published on their forums) and I posted to the Vista Discussion Board at Creative.
You can't really tell until you install it on another 5728 PC and make sure you can reproduce....

I'm still on RC1 here, and I'm seeing it... Same drivers.
I think it's a Vista issue though..... Just spotted it on RC1 on a Via Vinyl AC '97 chipset here....