Desktop Screenshot thread

Mak 2.0

Staff member
Since we dont seem to have one i might as well get one going. Post up a screenshot of your current desktop.

That is my current workign desktop. Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5
^ awesome ^__^ looks much better, i didnt even know it had that metal effect on it lol

i love maj, its free, and has no limit ^__^ its public, but i dont mind ^__^

your screen rez 1640x1080 (main screen)?
Yes it's a photo-montage. Top left and bottom right cats were already ex when top right and bottom left photos were taken.
I chose 4 photos with grass background to give a consistent look but had to juggle with the colour balances to compensate for the different lighting conditions.
You're both right, CG and Ali.
Oliver Walter "Ollie Wally", bottom right was an absolute sweetie. (the only boy)
Maisy, top right was smaller by at least 1kg and 3 years younger than Flora, top left; but made her life an absolute misery with constant bullying.
For completeness, bottom left is Chocky (Flora's sister from the same litter), named so because she was a lovely chocolate brown kitten. No sooner had she acquired the name, she turned jet black.
Mine is total cluttersville and that's the way I like it....
The snipping tool doesn't give the best rendering, but it is all in focus unlike the way it shows here.


  • desktop01.JPG
    349.8 KB · Views: 12
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just 1 thing if i click on an attachment it opens the black screen without ever showing the pic but when i clickl with the wheel (new tab) it shows
Mine is total cluttersville and that's the way I like it....
The snipping tool doesn't give the best rendering, but it is all in focus unlike the way it shows here.

It's best to just press "Print Scr" on the keyboard, then paste the contents of the clipboard into mspaint and save it as a png :smile: