It was the driver. I found the driver for my hard driver and installed it (to make SURE it saw it, i copied it in several locations in the c driver where i thought it might look for it).
I will send an email to Facronics and complain about their absolute LACK of warning about this.
The problem that existed was this: You can't login, and you can't boot to safe mode, neither can you boot to last known good config, because you get a BSOD each time.
Therefore you can't run any software, or check the registry, ESPECIALLY for the new user who would absolutely FREAK. Yeah, I kinda freaked, but that's because this wasn't just a crash, this was a HARD CRASH. This one is nearly impossible to fix. I reinstalled, then I installed the driver, and when i installed DF, it worked fine. ONLY then did it work fine. Without the driver, it's crap.
using the recovery console also does crap, because you can't really do much, you can change, copy, and delete stuff with basic dos commands, but you can't run any files, and you can't really do much with it.
The command:
DOES NOT WORK, it just gives you a bad command. The reason is because this is a registry issue, not simply a driver issue. You see, once I realized, by doing a bit of research on the STOP code, it was a driver issue, I went off what the Tech Man from Deep Freeze told me. He said it was a hardware conflict and then asked if i had a RAID or SATA HDD. I did, but he never responded when i wrote back, so, w/e.
I went off that and downloaded the driver to a flash drive. Then when i booted from repair disk, i pressed F6 to install a sata or raid driver, but it only accepts floppy discs (funny how that's all it takes but my NEW laptop doesn't HAVE a floppy DRIVE). so that didn't work, but i had another idea.
What if i extracted the file and saved it to my flash drive (it was currently in .exe format) and then used the COPY command in the recovery console to copy the driver to the c:\windows\system32\drivers folder so it could read it....but that wouldn't change the registry. Even though i had the driver, i HAD to change the registry so that it would tell itself to get it instead of the other driver, the bad one. So that didn't work.
And I couldn't edit the registry anyways. The only method i didn't try was my ubuntu cd. I think maybe if i used my Ubuntu Linux Live CD (6.1) wit WINE and a windows regedt32 i could change the registry for the driver, or completely delete everything and anything to do with deep freeze.
That i could theoretically do, but i'm not about to touch that registry. So ultimately my only response was REINSTALL. I did that, then i put the driver in, and reinstalled DF, and now it works fine.
So, if I can get some support here, maybe from the fifty guys who just read this and said screw it, post "I" back in support for a petition that Facronics puts a very large WARNING: YOU MUST HAVE A DRIVER FOR SATA AND RAID HARD DRIVES!!!! and give the reason why, or for that matter, have it scan to see if the system will even accept DF before it installs. Something like this isn't something to play with, I lost alot of good and important data and even got so riled up that i made a few guys mad (sorry).
So, with your support i want to have enough "I Support"'s posted in this thread to send them the link and say, "Hey, the customers have spoken, do your job in making sure that you don't destroy our computers".
so with that i'll close. Thanks guys for the help.