DOS 6.22 + Windows 7



I need to run DOS 6.22 (Hardware and software requirements) + Windows 7 on one machine.

At the moment i can´t see any solution to get it work.

Windows 7 boots perfectly, DOS not.

Is there any way to get it work?



DOS needs to be in the first partition on Disk 0
Thanks, Terry. It is in the first patition. But nevertheless, DOS does not start!

The Link you postet, explains DOS + Win95, 98 and ME. This works. But DOS + Windows 7 on an NTFS patiton not.
That wiki article doesn't imply DOS + other legacy OS is possible (It's not). All WIndows prior to XP were incapable of dual-boot and relied on fixed boot-code positioning to function. Since all of them must be in the same space, they cannot co-exist.
However you can multi boot any one of them with multiple instances of Windows from XP to W10, provided that it occupies that privileged position at the front of the boot drive.
Did you add the BCD entry as described here
using the DOS dropdown ?
Yes, exactly. This is the way i did the setup. I´ve currently no access to this Laptop. Next week I can post details of setup and displayed failure.
I get it work. The dos partition simply needs to get a drive letter under Win7. This will be Not c:\. But doesn‘t matter...