DOS Install Page Incomplete ?

I only see numbers 1 and 2. I dont see any number 3 on there.

but to install it should be simple. Do as number 1 says and setup the correct partition for DOS and then insert the media and install.
Actually Mak there is a number 3. In FireFox i see a 3 with nothing after it, but using Internet Explorer i see a 4 with nothing after it . But with Opera nothing shows so thats probably why youre nto seeing anything there.

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Wow, I totally forgot about those... I was re-writing the steps, but I don't even remember what comes next :\
Actually Mak there is a number 3. In FireFox i see a 3 with nothing after it, but using Internet Explorer i see a 4 with nothing after it . But with Opera nothing shows so thats probably why youre nto seeing anything there.


Yes you are right. I was in Opera that is why i didnt see the other numbers.:smile:
Is there a chance of these additional steps being remembered and the page updated -- or perhaps another location that can explain how to dual boot Vista and Dos with EasyDCB? Unfortunately I do not see an obvious way from the BCD control panel to select DOS.