Double Boot: XP dont booting


Active Member
Hello Guru,

i have a double-boot with vista/xp,
the mainsystem is vista, xp dont boots
i really dont know whats going on here..

pleaese help me...

Mike (haylebob) from germany

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader TimeOut: 30 seconds.
Default OS: Windows XP SP2

Entry #1

Name: Windows XP SP2
BCD ID: {default}
Drive: F:\
Bootloader Path: \ntldr
Windows Directory:

Entry #2

Name: Windows Vista
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows
Hi Mike,

Did you try changing the letter of the XP system to C: in the "Configure Boot" screen in EasyBCD?
Hi Guru,

VISTA is booting fine and here is my newest config:
what happens is: he always comes back to the bootmenue
when i choose XP for booting.

for what is the section "configure boot" are for?
when i coose a different OS than VISTA, XP for example,
it is changed automaticaly back to VISTA very quickly.

very strange to understand is your "Easy"BCD because the
help files are not availabl at WIKI... that pretty funny...
please see the error message of WIKI apache Tomcat below ny config...


Windows Boot Manager
identifier {bootmgr}
device unknown
description Windows Boot Manager
locale de-DE
inherit {globalsettings}
default {current}
resumeobject {d5464259-ad5a-11db-a073-a3144d67a1c6}
displayorder {current}
toolsdisplayorder {memdiag}
timeout 30

Windows Boot Loader
identifier {current}
device partition=C:
path \Windows\system32\winload.exe
description Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate
osdevice partition=C:
systemroot \Windows
resumeobject {f89e5849-c042-11db-b097-806e6f6e6963}

Windows Legacy OS Loader
identifier {6457b72e-c042-11db-8c14-e2fc99b778ae}
device partition=E:
path \ntldr
description WIN XP SP2

HTTP Status 404 - /wiki/display/EBCD


type Status report

message /wiki/display/EBCD

description The requested resource (/wiki/display/EBCD) is not available.


Apache Tomcat/5.5.20
I'm sorry, but we just don't have enough people, time, or resources to have the Wiki up and running as fast as we'd like.

As for your issue: what drive is the "BOOT" folder stored in?
Hi Guru,

i set the drive where XP is installed to C:\
but an error appears: System corrupted please
insert CD or DVD for repair or so.

i really stuck at the moment...

Hey Mike, I'm really sorry for the late reply - between EasyBCD development, work, family, university, and several opensource projects I'm really pressed for free time :smile:

I really don't know what to tell you, but here's my advice:
Delete NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, BOOT.INI from the XP drive.
Run a REPAIR install of Windows XP. XP will start on reboot.

Install EasyBCD in XP. USe the bootloader management screen to reinstall the Vista bootloader. While still in XP delete all instances of XP from the EBCD menu listing. Add Windows XP in EasybCD once more. Reboot.

That should do the trick. I wish I could give you a less roundabout method of pulling this off, but I really can't figure out exactly what's wrong with the info I have.
hi guru,

no problem.everyone needs free time to relax...

Run a REPAIR install of Windows XP. XP will start on reboot

HOW? with my XP-CD or in EasyBCD? i don know how

hi again

i think you have to write a documentation.
you cannot come up with a bootmanager which is that hard
to handle without a documentation or helfiles or something

nobody knows what is going on in EasyBCD's mind nobody
can understand it. it is trail and error and i dont like
it. Ok it is freeware... but it is too hard to handle not
for normal skilled persons...

Hello again,

after i did what you told: delete NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, BOOT.INI from my
XP-Drive and run a "Repair Install" in EasyBCD and reboot: NOTHING WORKS AT ALL!

i have to recover a Acronis Image to get my XP-System back! then i install "Easy"BCD on XP. When i start "Easy"BCD i get these messages in a cycle see appendix and nothing works at all again!!!


sorry but i'm REALLY ANGRY NOW!!!


  • EasyBCE-Meldungen.jpg
    760.2 KB · Views: 36

after recover everthing my new config:

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader TimeOut: 30 seconds.
Default OS: XP SP2

Entry #1

Name: XP SP2
BCD ID: {ntldr}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \ntldr
Windows Directory: \Windows

Entry #2

Name: Windows Vista
BCD ID: {33249fbe-c40d-11db-b2ab-91e322bc4bf2}
Drive: E:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows

at the mometn only XP is booting VISTA NO and i
dont see the bootmenue to choose...only XP is booting


here my latest config: only XP is booting
I really dont understand EasyBCD!!!!!

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader TimeOut: 30 seconds.
Default OS: Windows VISTA

Entry #1

Name: Windows VISTA
BCD ID: {default}
Drive: E:\
Bootloader Path: \Windows\system32\winload.exe
Windows Directory: \Windows

Entry #2

Name: Windows XP SP2
BCD ID: {ntldr}
Drive: C:\
Bootloader Path: \ntldr
Windows Directory:

now both systems are not able to boot and i give up!

i'm too stupid for such a genious guru software and
you dont help me. you also dont have a documentation
or helpfiles, so i cannot work!!

Mike, don't give up, how about we do this:
Start a new thread. Pretend this is the first time you're describing your problem to us. Explain what your *current* situation is.

Let us walk through the needed steps one more time, you never know what we may have missed the first time around...