

New Member
I signed up for the furum but do not have any means of starting a thread, so the next best option available is to post my question on a similar thread.

I downloaded the Win 7 Repair Disk (64 bit) to a CD-R disk in order to fix a crashed Lenovo Y530. The instructions I find on this site seem to indicate that if there is not an .ISO file on the disk that I burned, that it won't work. When I look at what downloaded it includes the following:

\BOOT\ BCD File 256kb
\ BOOT.SDI SDI File 3,096kb

\SOURCES\ BOOT.WIM WIM File 190,899kb

I see not *.ISO files or *.RAR files (as another thread mentioned). Did I download the repair disk wrong?

When I boot to it, in the crashed laptop, it opens the menu screens, and I can run the CLAM-AV without effect (no fixes or indication of how to fix what is found) and can open the DOS command (but I could do that before). I saw a comment in a thread telling where to go to try downloading it again, but can't find it. Anyone have advice or instructions?
FAQ in the header and these threads all tell you how to start a thread.
An ISO is a disc image. Thats the single file you download. Burning it to a CD turns it back into a disc again with all the files that existed on the original disc before it was consolidated into a ISO for downloading.
If it boots, it's fine.

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I'm considering changing the extension to IMG...... though that means it'll no longer open with Windows Disc Image Burner on 7... :/