Dual Book on Primary and Logical


New Member
I've got two partitions on my HDD:
-Logical on which Vista 64 Ultimate is installed (Faxcoolwarez)
-Primary which is empty

I'd like to install XP Pro SP3 32bit on the Primary partition

What else will I need to do after installing XP in order to be asked on startup which OS i'd like to boot?
Hi Viper, welcome to NST.
Your primary partition won't be empty.
Make sure your folder options look like this and take another look. You should see the Vista boot folder and boot manager there. (Windows can be installed to, but not booted from a logical drive. The MBR looks for the "active" primary partition to locate the boot files, the "system" flag indicates that the boot files are there.
When you install XP it will take over the boot process, and it is not forward compatible, so it cannot be made to boot Vista, no matter how hard you try.
You'll need to repair the Vista boot after you've got XP booting successfully, which should detect XP automatically, but otherwise you can add an entry to Vista's BCD to allow Vista to give you the option of dual-booting XP, using EasyBCD.
Follow the links in the sticky thread for instructions on all those points.
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