Dual boot 32/64 bit setup



Hi people. 2 questions

1. Have a dual boot system with 32bit OS on drive 0 (sata). 64bit OS on drive 2 (sata). To remove the 32bit OS is it just a case of deleting the partition on drive 0?
2. Do I have to make any adjustments with BCD prior to above. BCD is on the 32bit partition at the moment.
3. OK one more !!! After deleting the 32bit OS should I place the 64bit drive on sata channel 0 or is it ok just to leave as is?


Hello chasb441, welcome to NST

Make the 64-bit drive master, boot from a 64-bit Vista DVD, and perform startup repair. When the computer boots on its own into Vista 64 you can than safely delete/reformat the partition of the other drive.
Thanks for the information Justin. I will carry out the procedure and get back to you if I have any problems. I see your CompTIA A+ certified. I'm doing the self-study myself. Long ways to go but determined to qualify
