dual boot advise


New Member
I have just installed Win 7 home premium on my second HDD, My primary has XP home.EASY BCD was recomended as a boot manager. Are there any issues with me installing it onto the XP HD as this will be my primary O/S untill I have evaluated the Win 7, I then intend to use Win 7 as the primary O/S dual booting to Xp
HI shanks, welcome to NST.
EasyBCD isn't a boot manager.
It's a tool to enable you to control W7's bootmanager with ease.
Put W7 first in the BIOS boot sequence.
Install EasyBCD 2.0 latest build on W7
Use add/remove entries to add an entry for XP to the W7 BCD.
let EasyBCD auto-configure the XP boot files when it offers,
Don't change the XP drive letter (it knows what it's doing)
The XP HDD won't have been changed. You can always abandon W7 and return to XP alone by just putting XP first in the BIOS again.
Use this registry hack in XP to protect W7's restore points, otherwise XP will destroy them every time you boot it