Dual boot after Vista SP1 intalled


Im only using Vista. Last day i upgraded to Vista SP1. I had some trouble with Trendmicro and i used teh recovery tool. After that, each time i reboot, the selection OS screen appears. It seems itr recognizes 2 windows vista installations. Whatever i started (one is shown as "windows vista" and the other as "normal mode") it starts normally in vista. I want to delete 1 but im frightened to make an error. anybody can help me?
Okay so if you select the Windows Vista does it start normally? If so why not just install EasyBCD and remove the Normal Mode entry.
Ok, ill try...
im newbie using EASYBCD, how should i do that?
It seems both modes are the same, if i delete one of them, Should it start normally? wouldnt it affect to start files?
Thanks for your support
Look in "View Settings" and you should see 2 entries looking identical except the names.
Click "Add/Remove Entries", select the one you don't want and delete it.
If you're not happy removing an entry, you could always use "Change Settings" to set timeout(0) and whichever is default will boot without you seeing a boot menu at all.
But don't worry, EasyBCD is quite safe, and even if you were to destroy your boot by deleting everything in a brainstorm, It's always easy to repair by booting your Vista DVD anyway.
We try. :grinning:

But yes Terry is right. Jsut go under the View Settings first. After that under the Add/Remove Entry. Just remove one. If they both go to the same place and boot the same it will not adversly affect your system at all.
I had my own solution when ending up with two entries after making a boot recovery with the startup repair tool. I simply removed both entries seen with one showing "recovered" and chose a customized name for the new one.

That was thing discovered when going to dual boot Vista last year and first coming across the earlier EasyBCD 1.52 version over the BCDeditor or msconfig utility for setting the default version then. Good job? These people have been doing an excellent job!