Dual boot guide for LinuxMint?


Active Member
How about a distro-specific guide for dual-booting with LinuxMint? Here's one that's about a year old -- can't find anything more recent.

Could someone take a look at it and see if the directions are still applicable to the more recent EasyBCD betas, that we're encouraged to use?

If it passes that, then why not a link to it on the EasyBCD wiki, where special instructions are given for Ubuntu and Fedora. It will save EasyBCD/Mint users lots of time, so they don't have to spend as much time, as I did, searching the Internet!
My main concern about this is simple. Why? Ubuntu and Fedora were selected cause at the time they were the most commonly used distro's at that time. So if we go ahead and create a guide for LinuxMint why wouldnt we do it for PC-BSD or one of the millions of other distros that are out there as well.

LinuxMint is getting a bit more popular, but if you read our guides you will see that they have not been updated in some time. The Ubuntu one is 4 or 5 versions old now. The Fedora guide is 5 years old.

Being a group of 3-4 people who do all the write ups, it is tough for us to create these guides unless we personally install the builds and get the dual boot working ourselves. It would be a very tiresome project to try and download, install and get the dualboot working for all the different types of Linux Distros out there. Something none of the volunteer staff here have time to do. We all have families and jobs that take up most of our time, we do the support here when we can and of our kindness.

If I can find time, I will see about getting something done. But there is no promise. Especially since LinuxMint, like every other versions of Linux out there, can change their boot methods from build to build breaking the ability of such tools as EasyBCD to work with them. Something that is shown by Ubuntu. So while I can do a guide for LinuxMint today, it can be borked and not apply tomorrow. Causing us to be right back where we are today.
Communities like Ubuntu and PC-BSD have picked up the burden by adding "EasyBCD-based dual-boot guides" to their own wikis. While their setup procedure changes every day, EasyBCD is largely consistent year-in and year-out. It makes more sense to do it that way.
RonCam--can you tell us how you did it?

How about a distro-specific guide for dual-booting with LinuxMint? Here's one that's about a year old -- can't find anything more recent.

Could someone take a look at it and see if the directions are still applicable to the more recent EasyBCD betas, that we're encouraged to use?

If it passes that, then why not a link to it on the EasyBCD wiki, where special instructions are given for Ubuntu and Fedora. It will save EasyBCD/Mint users lots of time, so they don't have to spend as much time, as I did, searching the Internet!

Say RonCam, I'm reading your post because I am trying to setup a dual boot with Linux Mint like you did.
I got the point from the administrators about how much work it would be for them to support all the varieties of Linux, so maybe a compromise would be to get a forum set up for users to post how they setup a dual boot with whatever they are running for linux?

Could you, if Ok with administrators, start it off with a synopsis of your internet research on setting it up with Mint?

On my non-slackware systems, I am running Mint12.0 for KDE, and would anxiously await your post about what you found out! Even if you don't have ALL the answers, anything you can do to tell the problem areas gives people a leg-up on going further.

How about it? Can you post something?