Dual Boot SL & Vista using EasyBCD help


New Member
Hi guys, I have tried a different method of dual booting SL (vanilla) and Vista. Which was using iBoot. Restart laptop with iBoot iso in drive and then insert the SL install dvd into the drive, load it and install it. After that put iBoot cd back in the drive and restart, load into the new installed OS and install the mac updates package as well as MultiBeast to get all the proper kexts missing to make it work on my laptop, then Restart and it'll be all set..... but somehow after that step I always got a Kernel Panic that asked me to reboot, I could never fix that Kernel Panic and so I gave up using that method.

Now I wish to do a dual boot with SL and vista thru EasyBCD, I'm unaware if there's any DETAILED guide as to how to do so (n00b here). If not, I would like to know if anyone could help me out with this please. Here are my specs:

Dell XPS M1530
Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT
3GB Ram
Dell Truemobile 355 Bluetooth + EDR
Samsung ATA HDD 300gb
Marvel Yukon PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller

If I'm missing any important detail let me know please. I have both Windows Vista Home Premium and Snow Leopard, both retail version.

Note: I reinforce the fact that I'm a n00b, I do need detailed guidance into how to do such dual boot.

Thank you